Jade Con babee

Ah, a first… my first Jade con blog. I’m pretty sure that if I were doing this with a little less YOW in my system, I’d make more sense. Or maybe not. :D

Games night was as usual, in-ter-es-ting. If playing something with the unlikely name of Killer Bunnies falls under the “interesting” classification. Interesting might be an inadequate descriptor – baffling might be more accurate.

At the moment, we’re in the Dark Sider Suite watching a BBC show called Spank Inferno. Or something. The male lead is quite pretty, though perhaps dim. He’s just told a woman she has 4 breasts. She of course is scandalized and he is trying to – unsuccessfully, I might add, trying to dig himself out of the mess he’s gotten in.

I’m not sure I can find this show, but I think I *will* be trying. :D

It seems the name of the show is “Vegetarian Spank Inferno.” I was mistaken. Again. Now, I’m informed that the EPISODE is VSI, the SHOW is “Coupling.” Quite the play on words.

Well, I am going to go back and actually watch the show. Till later, The Truth is Out… Live long and … May the Force Be With You.

aka She Who Has Been YOWed.

One Reply to “Jade Con babee”

  1. Actually…we’re watching Coupling. Well, some are watching coupling and the rest are all gabbing away.

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