Is it Friday already?

I’ve just returned from my third (!) and final visit to the con floor. It’s not too bad yet, but it’s only a matter of time. There’s a C4 Q&A tomorrow, but I’m not sure where it is yet…

Last night was our first official JadeCon gathering – Games Night and Club Jade storytime. Games Night was fun – except Scattergories is not nearly as amusing if you’re not drunk. However, Chuck Norris is a Force user now. Is truth!

We then moved onto Naboo/Taboo. Best clue of the night, from Sam: “This used to be a planet, but it’s not anymore.” Can you guess it? I know you can.

Storytime was, of COURSE, hilarious. So many tales were told, in chronological order no less, thanks to Rogue’s MCing. Maybe one day we’ll get folks to type a few of them out fully, although several will no doubt remain oral legends only. Especially the ones we have video of.

This morning, a great Betrayal chat and Michelle’s tea seminar. I was there for most of the book discussion but I’m not muh of a tea person, so someone else will have to fill you in there. However, the cookies were good, and Michelle has a v. impressive hat.

Tonight, I can finally drink!
