Futurama lives!

Finally! The best animated sci-fi adventure show from the creators of The Simpsons will return with 13 new episodes by 2008. The only question is, why did it take so damn long?


3 Replies to “Futurama lives!”

  1. Rawk! Let joy be unconfined!

    I just adore Futurama. It’s the only SF that my Dad likes, too, which is saying something for its broader appeal.

    Time to wind up my clockwork Bender figure and let him loose…

  2. Awesome, but also incredibly shitty of Comedy Central to swoop in at the 11th hour and steal the franchise. Moreso since it’s due to Adult Swim that this is even happening.

    I’d heard Futurama was getting the resurrection treatment in the form of (three was it?) direct to DVD movies… so this is a bit of a turnaround surprise.

    I welcome the return, but I’m so used to it existing on Adult Swim that it feels like someone wearing the wrong uniform to put it on Comedy Central.

  3. Yeah, it sucks that it’s moving… Like AS needs a reason to run more crappy Seth McFarlane stuff. :P

    I remember the movie thing – Billy West posted it on his site, but it was never final. But I’d rather have more episodes anyway.

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