Dan Wallace asks how spacey should Star Wars get? Or, hot chocolate: exotic?
Padawanroo discusses the
Pabawan gets us in the holiday mood with a three–part (so far) series on bringing a gaint bunny into Star Wars continuty.
Sunnyskywalker finds unexpected parallels in Anakin and Han.
Imadra_blue has a very length series on Obi-Wan and Anakin. First, the plausibility of Anakin/Obi-Wan, then her perception of Anakin and Obi-Wan in canon and wrapping up with a lengthy look at Anakin’s many issues.
And this may be a especially ironic read for some CJers, but I wrote up a bit defining bashing and why it’s bad. Yes, even when KJA is involved. I guess everyone has to grow up sometime.