Fan Art: Kyp Durron


Jedi Master Kyp Durron by Falconfan. Poor Kyp has never been a CJ favorite, but it’s still rather unfair that much of the canon artwork draws him as looking a bit like a wet rat. So, for the Kyp fangirls (Yes Jaders: they do exist,) here’s something more palatable.

3 Replies to “Fan Art: Kyp Durron”

  1. Now this kind of Kyp I could get behind. :)

    Why does he always have a drowned rat look? I don’t recall any author ever describing him as a drowned rat….

  2. In the art. There’s not much of it, but what there is isn’t very good. Most of it’s from some comic that KJA wrote, although the character guide portrait isn’t much of an improvement.

    It’s the long hair thing, I think.

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