Daisy Ridley: The Rise of Skywalker is “a brilliant end to the story”

Daisy Ridley is doing press for Ophelia, which opens this week, but naturally the Star Wars questions are flying. On Good Morning America today, she and discusses the emotional impact of finishing up. She has seen “a couple bits” of the film, which was “very exciting.” It’s “the most excited I’ve felt.”

Drag it to 3:45 for her full Star Wars comments. Overall, she said that The Rise of Skywalker provides “a brilliant end to the story” and that J.J. Abrams and co-writer Chris Terrio “have done a wonderful job.”

“I think people are going to feel very satisfied” in the movie, she said.


Meanwhile, over at Buzzfeed, she’s discussed leaving social media. In short: Don’t hold your breath for her to return.