Gear up for the Firefly MMORPG. Better than nothing. I guess.
And fandom wept
A commercial I saw during last night’s finale of America’s Next Top Model (Shut up!) indicates that one of the geeks from the upcoming season of Beauty and the Geek is part of a “Star Wars tribute band.” He sings a few bars from a song about Han Solo.
I am disturbed. Which may be ironic for someone who runs a website containing the internet’s biggest collection of Star Wars filk (and admits to watching ANTM,) but so be it.
Lost moves up an hour
When it returns on February 7th, Lost will debut at 10p.m. to avoid the ratings-crushing American Idol. I still won’t be watching.
Big screen BSG for free!
TV Guide and Landmark Theatre are hosting free screenings of Battlestar Galactica’s mid-season finale, The Eye of Jupiter, on the big screen in six U.S. cities. The episode won’t air on TV until December 15th. Warning, the links contain some spoilers. (via SF Signal)
I met her on the LiveJournal!
Santa Maul will no doubt be happy to hear that Jackson Publick has announced the release date for The Venture Bros. season 2 DVDs – April 17, 2007.
The meta is coming from inside the house!
Jamie Bamber writes a SCIFIpedia entry on Lee Adama. Some spoilers, but cave-dwellers can read a spoiler free version thanks to Asta77.
Laser death ray bargain bin
Santa Maul has
a mancrush on great admiration for Brock Samson. Thus, Santa Maul advises you to buy the first season of The Venture Brothers on DVD for the fine sale price of $8.99.
BSG gets the Chuck Norris treatment
As the Sci-Fi World Turns
The sci-fi community is a tight-knit group. So it comes as little surprise that Teryl Rothery has been cast in the upcoming Babylon5 movie. Teryl Rothery is probably best known for her role as Dr. Frasier in Stargate SG-1.
In other behind-the-scenes soap opera news, we have spoilers of the casting sort: Continue reading “As the Sci-Fi World Turns”
Money for nothing
2006’s Forbes Fictional 15. Fannish members include Bruce Wayne, Willy Wonka (Candy and aerospace – Hah!) and Lucius Malfoy. Don’t miss the biographies!