Gate News Roundup

Wow. A gal takes a few days off and all this news happens over in the Stargate franchise! For those who merely keep a peripheral interest via this website, here is the news you may have missed.

Jack is back! All the Jack O’Neill fans can rejoice. We get us some RDA for the upcoming straight-to-DVD Stargate movies.

– Those who wish to remain totally pure as to those movie plotlines might wish to avoid the information going around about a location being used.

– And a Stargate boy does good by landing a role on a little show you might know called 24. Michael Shanks has been cast as a recurring character on the show.

Part TV, Part Game, All Internet

GateWorld has an interview with Damian Kindler about his time with the Stargate franchise and his new show. (Fans of Vala will want to check out the first half, although you do get into some spoiler territory.)

What might interest those who aren’t into Stargate is his discussion about the new internet show Sanctuary. (Scroll about half-way down to where you see the Sanctuary logo.) Apparently, it’s not just going to be a show that’s shown on the internet (as nice as that will be not to have to rely on network schedules). There will be an interactive component that’s part gaming, part pseudo-MMO. You can choose to interact or just enjoy the show.

Of particular pleasure is the fact that there will be no rights to obtain. You can burn it onto DVD and watch it in your home theater. You can load it on to your MP3 player and watch it during your commute (on the train, not driving). Wait for the official DVD version. Whatever your little tech-savvy heart desires!

Sounds like a bold experiment, along with an interesting storyline on top of it. (He describes it as X-Files meets The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.)

Yeah. I’m intrigued. So shoot me!

Go softly into the Great Mandala

So, you know that thing that happened on Sunday on Battlestar Galactica? (How do you write these things without spoiling those who have yet to watch their TiVo’d episodes?)

The actor involved in said event has given an interview to a Portland radio show where said actor says what said actor knows about said event.

TV Blend has given a convenient summary of said interview.

And the CJ Blog staff will be going to gossip-column school to learn how to write in strangely nebulous ways….