Damian Kindler, producer of the “TV show” Sanctuary, gave an interview to SyFyPortal that sheds a little more light on the show’s premise and where they intend to go.
Sanctuary Offered Here
The new “TV show that won’t be shown on TV,” Sanctuary, has opened up its official website for business with a new two-minute trailer previewing the show.
The show stars Amanda Tapping, best known to Stargate fans as Samantha Carter. There are also guest appearances and/or cameos by several Stargate regulars, including David Hewlett, Paul McGillion, Chuck Campbell, Dan Payne and Peter DeLuise. It has been described as a cross between “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” and “X-Men.”
There are loads of nifty things to play with for those with the artistic bent; including greenscreen versions to “mash up” and other artwork. You can also image capture their video with their player and have fun with that, as well.
I’ve gotten to beta test the site and there’s a lot to enjoy. Go check it out!
You kids and your wacky music!
Most of the coverage of the Battlestar Galactica season finale seems to have focused less on The Stunning Revelations (TM) and more on the musical choices of the episode.
And The Man Responsible For It All (for once, not George Lucas) has spoken about his choices in his blog.
Be careful: Here lie spoilers…..
Wondering about last night’s Battlestar Galactica season finale? Ron Moore confirms and denies. Massive spoilers, naturally.
New Stargate Series
Apparently, we’re finally going to find out just what that ninth chevron is for. (Color me stupid. I never even realized there was a ninth chevron.)
Stargate producer Robert C. Cooper told fans at this past weekend’s Stargate convention in Vancouver that there is a third series under development with a working title of Stargate Universe.
It will be set in the current time, but will be completely separate from SG1 and Stargate Atlantis.
Getting your frak fix
The Battlestar Galactica season finale is awesome, apparently. (Very minor spoilers; no big reveal.) Fans may also be relieved to hear that Sci-Fi has expanded their order for season 4 to a full 22 episodes, including a two-hour extended episode.
Will you fight?
You just can’t underestimate the power of the ticked off fan.
The fans at SaveCarsonBeckett.com took their fight for the Scottish character straight to the studios where Stargate Atlantis is filmed, complete with a bagpipe lead protest at the gates.
Producer/writer Joseph Mallozzi, who happily prepared for his role as the villain in this piece, turned it into a party by handing out umbrellas (to go with the Scottish-type weather) and baseball hats and setting up protection for the bagpipe band.
ETA: Apparently it was SCB who put together the shelter for the bagpipe band. (Check out the comments section to see who else is reading this site.)
Rachel Luttrell (aka Teyla Emmagan), Jason Momoa (aka Ronon Dex) and David Hewlett (aka Rodney McKay) came out to talk with the fans and admire their stamina and determination.
They must have inspired something because Joseph Mallozzi laid down the gauntlet that he’d write the character back in for two episodes in Season 4 if the group manages to get coverage on a national US entertainment news show.
Anyone with any pull on these shows, please get with the organisers!
TV Survival for Lost and BSG
Some good news for all the fans wanting more of Lost and Battlestar Galactica.
ABC has given an early renewal to Lost for next season, in spite of its sagging ratings. Maybe this will force the producers to answer some questions in the storyline?
Battlestar Galactica has had its episode order upped to 22, from the original 13 episodes ordered. This could be seen as either good or bad. The good? It means that SciFi believes the show is going strong and needs a full season. The bad? SciFi believes that the show is tanking and is kindly giving the producers a chance to finish telling the story. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.
In the meantime, head into the eternal wasteland between seasons with some hope that there is more to be had of your favorites.
Even a Vulcan would laugh at this
Is it just me? People seem to be having more fun floating rumors about the Star Trek movie than have had actual fun at a Star Trek movie in recent memory.
The latest, from that reliable source known as Star Magazine (who I refuse to link to), is that Jennifer Garner will be cast to play Spock’s love interest.
According to Cinematical, this brings to four the number of actors who have been discussed for this film. And JJ Abrams has just barely gotten going on the project!
IGN claims that the rumoured casting of Gary Sinise is close to reality and that filming is expected to begin in October, with a Christmas, 2008 opening.
The official website, StarTrek.com, hasn’t provided much in the way of detail, other than to quote other interviews in which JJ Abrams discusses how wonderfully emotional the script is. (Will the official site ever provide anything that’s original? Don’t go complaining about StarWars.com!)
A turtle farm, maybe?
GateWorld caught up with Paul McGillion (aka Carson Beckett) in Los Angeles recently to talk to him about what’s been going on.
We’ll put the specifics behind the cut for those who are staying pure (you really haven’t heard, by now?), but let’s just say it involves a protest, lots of turtles and a bagpipe band….