Stargate Atlantis Threatened?

After a SciFi-imposed six-month hiatus in the US, the Stargate franchise has seen a dip in viewership. Anecdotally, most regular Stargate viewers have already seen the now-airing episodes online. But the actual TV ratings still play a huge part in the decision of whether or not to renew.

Producer Joseph Mallozzi gives his thoughts and worries about this and puts out a plea to get everyone to tune in to these last three episodes to help support SciFi’s decision to greenlight Season 5.

(Of amusement to the hockey nuts on our list, see the pictorial of the aftermath of Carl Binder‘s vow that he would eat a now-very-old Duck-themed cupcake if the Ducks took the Stanley Cup.)

Time to take a stand

The new season of The 4400 starts next week. To get you back in the mood, USA has put up websites that are Pro-Promicin and Anti-Promicin.

If you can’t decide where you stand (or, let’s face it, if it’s been too long for you to remember where you stand), then there’s a nice summary site to help you along.

I don’t know. If I could develop the ability to predict the Lottery, it might be worth taking the Promicin!

A little peek into the Pegasus Galaxy?

Zach Selwyn, of G4 Attack of the Show fame, famously campaigned, via rap video, to get onto Stargate Atlantis.

Suitably amused by said video, the producers gave Zach the role of “Scientist #2” in an upcoming Season 4 episode. The fruits of his efforts can be found on YouTube.

For those particularly sensitive to spoilers, you can see the new uniforms (spiffy) and get to hear the plotline of an upcoming episode, complete with the filming of one scene. But don’t you really want to go look?