Rogue One one-sheet is here, new trailer on GMA Thursday


Announced this afternoon on The Star Wars Show: The Rogue One one-sheet and the news that the new trailer will debut Thursday morning on Good Morning America.

We also learn what Marvel’s next ongoing comic is although be warned, there are spoilers for Darth Vader #25. (And next time we mention it we’ll be much less coy.) But for now, check out that poster.

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Report: Tessa Thompson, Zoe Kravitz among actresses testing for Han Solo standalone

Variety reports today that three actresses have tested for the young Han Solo spinoff. Tessa Thompson (Creed), Zoe Kravitz (Mad Max: Fury Road) and Naomi Scott (the upcoming Power Rangers) have all tested in London for the film’s female lead, they say.

Both Thompson and Kravitz are familiar faces who’ve have been around for a bit. I remember Thompson from her turn on Veronica Mars, but she’s recently got a lot of buzz with roles in Creed, Selma, and the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok. Kravitz has a heavy genre resume in addition to Mad Max, with roles in X-Men: First Class, the Divergent films and the upcoming Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them trilogy.

Naomi ScottScott isn’t quite as well known, but she was in Fox’s 2011 time-travel dinosaur drama Terra Nova and The Martian before landing the role of the Pink Ranger in 2017’s Power Rangers.

Variety also addresses the rumor about Donald Glover and the Lando Calrissian role, but there’s apparently a “second round of tests” in the offing. Until now, Glover is the only name that’s been publicly linked to the role, though The Hollywood Reporter now says that O’Shea Jackson Jr. (Straight Outta Compton) and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (Netflix’s The Get Down) are also finalists.

Whoever wins the role(s) will be playing against Alden Ehrenreich’s Han Solo. Directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, the untitled film is currently scheduled for a May 2018 release.

Rumor: Next Rogue One trailer coming in October?


There’s a report out that the next Rogue One trailer will be attached to Doctor Strange, which is out November 4. Of course, it comes from Star Wars News Net, who claims it’s from a Disney rep in Russia, neither a source I am willing to trust 100%. Still, mid-to-late October isn’t a horrible assumption for the online debut and October is Making Star Wars’ guess as well.

I’ve shied away from direct comparisons between the Rogue One and The Force Awakens marketing methods, but the final trailer is a likely place for them to converge. Last year, the final trailer for The Force Awakens debuted on October 19 – which was just as tickets were going on sale. So the real question is: Will it be Monday Night Football again?

In other recent(ish) Rogue One news, Valene Kane – who’s playing Lyra Erso – talked a bit about filming “in Iceland.”

Bob Iger doesn’t expect Rogue One to do TFA numbers; Third standalone has a writer


Disney CEO Bob Iger doesn’t expect Rogue One to do quite as well at the box office as The Force Awakens, but he says the audience interest they’ve seen has been just as high for the new film. (Did anyone expect that? You don’t get a $2B film every year.) “We love what we’ve seen,” he told investors of the Rogue One rough cut.

He also revealed that they have a writer for the third Star Wars standalone due in 2020, and he recently met with Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy to plot out beyond that as well.

We’ve known since the Disney purchase that Lucasfilm plans to take the saga films beyond 2019’s Episode IX, but it remains to be seen if they’ll keep to the current schedule to leave only a year between the current and next trilogy.

Star Wars Story Talk: Salt Lake Comic Con, Aliens of the Galaxy, & Year by Year


Time for a new colossal-sized episode of Star Wars Story Talk as Yowie the Skunk, Baby Jawa, and I cover the latest in Star Wars stories, and we have a lot to talk about: a few recent Star Wars events and check out not one, not two, but three Star Wars books! I give a recap of all the Star Wars goings-on at Salt Lake Comic Con, held at the beginning of September, plus talk a bit on Star Wars Day at the San Diego Padres, and dive into three books: the newest Star Wars Little Golden Book: I Am a Princess, and Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy by Jason Fry and the newly released Star Wars Year by Year: A Visual History, Updated and Expanded Edition by Pablo Hidalgo. Plus an update on Wear Star Wars Every Day and a triple dose of Baby Jawa fun time! Continue reading “Star Wars Story Talk: Salt Lake Comic Con, Aliens of the Galaxy, & Year by Year”