Her Universe acquired by Hot Topic, to continue operating as a stand-alone brand


Hot Topic has bought “certain assets” of Her Universe from founder Ashley Eckstein and the Araca Group, who have been running the brand since it began.

ashley-ecksteinIn a letter, Eckstein reassures fans that she’ll continue to oversee the company, and that products will continue to be available elsewhere. They’ll keep operating as a stand-alone brand, but the acquisition will allow for more plus sizes and more different kinds of fashion. Eckstein writes:

Your support from day one has been incredible and has meant so much to me! We were able to grow our t-shirt brand into a fashion, entertainment and publishing lifestyle brand in just a few years. However, as we continued to grow, I heard your cries for more and I was often left frustrated that we could not live up to your expectations. I’m beyond excited to share that this new chapter with Hot Topic will allow us to rise to those expectations!

“Ashley and Araca have built an incredible brand with a loyal customer base,” said Steve Vranes, CEO of Hot Topic in a release. “We look forward to supporting Her Universe in this new capacity.”

Both the Her Universe Fashion Show and Her Universe Press will continue. HerUniverse.com will be unavailable for a short time for the transition, but it will be back “in time for the holidays.”

Gareth Edwards on reverse engineering Rogue One


It’s holiday movie preview season, and that means that Rogue One director Gareth Edwards is making the rounds. Entertainment Weekly also gets a new photo and some chatter about having to reverse engineer the film from the ending, while USA Today also gets a new pic (above), but another interesting quote, namely “the film doesn’t unfold how you think.” So everyone doesn’t die?

Felicity Jones talks Jyn, her favorite Disney princess and bruises in Vanity Fair.

→ Nissan has a new Star Wars themed commercial that ties their Rogue SUV with Rogue One. Naturally, it features Rebel troopers, stormtroopers, K-2SO and more.

→ What if Rogue One starred Jar Jar Binks? Olly Gibbs (and Photoshop) has the answer.

Daisy Ridley “just confused” by labeling of Rey as a Mary Sue


Daisy Ridley addresses the criticisms of Rey as a Mary Sue on MTV’s Happy Sad Confused podcast, saying the term itself is “sexist” and noting that Luke Skywalker had many of the same abilities.

She also said that Kelly Marie Tran’s role in VIII is “crucial” and discusses how it’s different working with Mark Hamill than it was Harrison Ford. Her interview starts at about 48 minutes in on the podcast.

Catching up with Episode VIII: New stormtrooper, Rey’s parentage (and speculation thereof)

fn-2199-cropMaking Star Wars has word of a new type of stormtrooper who’ll (reportedly) appear in Episode VIII, as well as some small changes on the standard troopers.

→ This Daisy Ridley interview with Vulture has been making the rounds, mainly because she says we’ll see the answer to Rey’s parentage question “in a year,” and, well, the internet.

→ Speaking of Rey’s parentage, there’s a bonkers but just crazy enough to maybe theory over at Force Material. It’s based on a “paranoid ‘70s conspiracy thriller” and hell, it still makes more sense than Snoke being Plagueis or any of the other bullshit we’ve had to put up with. But mostly, it amused me, and how often do fan theories manage that? (Not often.)

→ Your moment of zen: Mark Hamill and his VIII beard have a fashion gig.

The catchup: Rogue One villains, music and jackets


At USA Today, Director Gareth Edwards talks about the Empire, Darth Vader and how Ben Mendelsohn’s Director Orson Krennic differs from the other high-ranking Imperials we’ve met.

→ Composer Michael Giacchino on the film’s tight schedule, and loving Jyn.

→ Speaking of Jyn, Felicity Jones was on Kimmel last night.

→ Want Jyn and Cassian’s jackets? Check out the versions from Musterbrand. (Which also has some The Force Awakens-inspired cardigans.)

Also, there’s a rumor going around that we might get word on ticket sales soon… Perhaps this afternoon? What drops then? Hmm. Nope!