The Last Jedi: Fresh First Order leaks

In rumor/spoiler territory, we have some new First Order-centric leaks this afternoon, courtesy of the Facebook group Templo Jedi Aztlan. There’s some sort of guard, a new stormtrooper look, and a new AT-AT. The first seems similar to the new figures reported by Making Star Wars, who debuted a sketch of one earlier this week. (via)

→ No, John Boyega’s tweet about playing a villain was not about Star Wars. Really, people? It did lead to a fun exchange with everyone’s dad Mark Hamill though.

The Last Jedi will come out slightly earlier in the U.K. (December 14) than in the U.S. (December 15,) just like Rogue One and The Force Awakens.

→ In the midst of some overplayed panic about the sequel trilogy not being ‘planned,’ Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow has a few words about collaboration with Screenrant.

Colin Trevorrow: Episode IX will handle Leia with “love and respect”

Colin Trevorrow talks to Cinemablend about how they’ll be handling Carrie Fisher’s death in Episode IX:

She was a major character, that’s not a secret. She really was. And it was extremely sad for all of us, mostly just because she was so loved by the Star Wars family and everyone that worked with her. I feel like our options are limited mostly by ourselves, in that there is only certain things that we are willing to do. But I can guarantee it will be handled with love and respect, and all of the soul that Carrie Fisher deserves.

It’s a tough decision all-around, but let’s not forget the human element is important here. Yes, it’s easy to say they “should” do certain things for whatever reason, but these are also actual people we’re talking about who have to make this film. Like many fans, I’m a little wary of Trevorrow and his ability to handle this, but at least he seems to understand how important this is.

Steve Sansweet’s Rancho Obi-Wan is victim of prolonged theft, asks for fandom’s help

There’s some truly bizarre and heartbreaking news from the collecting side of fandom today. Steve Sansweet and Rancho Obi-Wan shared that they’ve been the victim of long-term theft – and that the culprit is well-known collector, Carl Cunningham of Georgia. The culprit was discovered with the help of another fandom-prominent victim, Philip Wise of Rebelscum fame, and toy dealer Zach Tann.

Cunningham has been charged with felony grand theft, but is currently free on bail and awaiting additional hearings.

There’s a lot of questions in this case, and most strikingly is how exactly did Cunningham expect to get away with this? The world of Star Wars high-end collecting is not very big, and most of the big players know each other fairly well. And stealing from Steve Sansweet and his non-profit, of all people…

Steve and Rancho are asking for fandom’s help, and any tips of any further thefts or sales would be appreciated.

UPDATE: Steve has shared a list of the items that are still missing.

The Last Jedi: What Pablo actually said about Luke and Leia

Pablo Hidalgo’s been at Comic Con Chile this weekend, and it seems that some of his statements have been lost in translation/misquoted/overstated, particularly something about the status of a Luke and Leia reunion. io9 reached out and got him to clarify. (Mind, he’s not saying it doesn’t happen, just that they were speaking of the Vanity Fair photos.)

→ John Boyega shows off Finn’s blaster for The Last Jedi on his Instagram. Like the rest of his new gear, or at least what we’ve seen, it’s basically the one Poe had in The Force Awakens.

→ Rian Johnson’s comments on romance in The Last Jedi sent some tremors through the hopes of a few of the trilogy’s shipping communities. Vanity Fair writer David Kamp shares the full quote in context.

Johnson’s shot of Annie Leibovitz shooting them, as seen in the Vanity Fair video. Shotception!

→ And finally, in spoiler corner, some Lego sets have leaked. They feature at least one newish vehicle, minifigs of Supreme Leader Snoke (which may confirm his new look,) Vice Admiral Holdo, a new(ish) variation of droid and a rank change for Poe. The images aren’t long for this world, but they are up at Imgur for the moment. (via)

Roundup: Star Wars is 40 today

I’ll be honest: I’m not really feeling much of the 40th Anniversary hullabaloo. (It’s… Okay. I guess? But aside from The Last Jedi stuff, much of it feels same-old-same-old to me.) But here are a few highlights:

→ io9 has debuted the Poe Dameron scale, the “ultimate Star Wars name-ranking system.” It made me giggle, so it must be worth your time.

→ Time has pictures of Star Wars fans from back in the day, including several women and girls.

→ Wired ranks Star Wars hair, a topic near and dear to my heart. Demerits for not giving the Padawan braid a solo entry, though they do at least call it “gross.” (It is.)

→ has a ton of stuff, naturally, all gathered on their own little page. (I enjoyed the anniversary poster retrospective.) The Star Wars Show interviewed Tim Zahn yesterday, that was nice.

→ And finally, props to The Hollywood Report for tracking down Laurie Goode, the stormtrooper who hit his head.

Adam Driver may be the only person not charmed by a John Boyega hug and other The Last Jedi tidbits

Vanity Fair is following up their blockbuster cover story and portfolio with a number of The Last Jedi sidebars today.

→ First up, how seriously Adam Driver takes his role as Kylo Ren. Includes priceless anecdotes from Mark Hamill and John Boyega.

→ Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson dodge questions about the title.

Rey’s lightsaber is now officially Rey’s lightsaber, says Pablo Hidalgo. (Sorry, Anakin.) And what about Luke’s? (The green one.) Well…

What’s not in The Last Jedi? Romance. There’s “no one-to-one equivalent of the Han-to-Leia, burning, unrequited love.” Johnson says. “In our story, that’s not a centerpiece.” Good.

→ And finally, Kathleen Kenndy on Carrie Fisher, Episode IX, and other future films.

So many photos! The Vanity Fair spread is live

Vanity Fair’s full spread and story is up! You need to go check it out, but here’s a quick rundown what we’ve learned: Laura Dern is Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo of the Resistance, and Benicio Del Toro doesn’t get a name at all in the film – though they’re calling him DJ. (Seeeecretsss.) And yes, there are pictures of both. Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico has a sister, Paige, a Resistance gunner, played by Veronica Ngo. And the planet filmed in Dubrovnik is indeed named Canto Bright. “I was thinking, O.K., let’s go ultra-glamour. Let’s create a playground, basically, for rich assholes,” director Rian Johnson said.

The article also includes some touching tributes to (and photos of) Carrie Fisher, so keep the tissues handy.

Writer David Kamp will be answering questions about the story on Reddit later today.

John Boyega on Finn’s recovery and being a “big deal” in The Last Jedi

While we wait for the big Vanity Fair spread tomorrow, Entertainment Weekly shares some Finn intel from John Boyega – some late-breaking Celebration quotes. He’s a “big deal” for real, plus:

“There’s some additional few things that need to be done to make him mobile. He’s definitely in a place where he needs some help,” Boyega says.


He says a lightsaber injury is “really brutal,” and talks a bit about the misson with Rose as well.

The Last Jedi’s Vanity Fair covers revealed!

Vanity Fair and Annie Leibovitz have come for The Last Jedi with a vengeance. They ‘re offering four covers (a rarity for them) which they revealed today. Tomorrow we get a look at the inside photos and the full story.

From the cover reveal, we see Phasma unmasked for the first time (RIP the popular Tumblr theory that she’s a Chiss) and learn the full name of Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico, “the new character with the most screen time.”

The issue will be on newsstands May 31 in New York and Los Angeles, and June 6 nationally. You can also order each cover individually, or get a poster with a subscription.