The Star Wars/Star Trek rivalry is pretty old and crusty, but that didn’t stop a recent incident in Oklahoma which ended in arrests for both parties. Of course, I also suspect there’s a lot more background to this specific fight than just differing preferences in space franchises, but a hook is a hook.
Ahsoka makes Forces of Destiny debut with ‘The Padawan Path’
Forces of Destiny heads to the prequel era with the fourth episode, ‘The Padawan Path.’
Wacky merchandise: Star Wars snack bowls may be a little too up close and personal
Hankering to snack out of Chewbacca’s mouth? Want to dig into Jabba’s jowls? Eat your Swedish fish with a little help from a wampa? If so, ThinkGeek has just the product for you! I suspect most of us are gonna pass.
Those looking for a more tasteful option may prefer this highball glass.
Forces of Destiny moves on to Leia with ‘Ewok Escape’
The third Forces of Destiny short, ‘Ewok Escape,’ features Leia on Endor, and how she got that dress.
Video: Forces of Destiny continues with ‘BB-8 Bandits’
The second episode of Forces of Destiny, ‘BB-8 Bandits’, is up. Like the first, it features Rey and BB-8 on Jakku in between scenes of The Force Awakens. It debuted on the French site CNEWS Matin.
Making of Rogue One book has gone MIA
Looks like there won’t be a Making of book for Rogue One after all. Jedi Bibliothek noticed that catalog entry has disappeared. A similar thing happened with The Force Awakens behind-the-scenes book. We’ll look for them in a couple decades, I guess.
Video: Forces of Destiny begins with ‘Sands of Jakku’
The first Forces of Destiny episode, ‘Sands of Jakku,’ went up this morning. Over at Mashable, Dave Filoni talks about the series, which will be debuting new episodes all week on the Disney Youtube channel.
Surprise! The Last Jedi won’t be making a Hall H appearance at SDCC (because D23, duh)
Lucasfilm and Star Wars will be at San Diego Comic-Con, but The Last Jedi won’t be taking a slot as one of the con’s big Hall H panels. The company told SDCC Blog that “our presence at SDCC 2017 will be focused on our booth on the convention floor, so there will be no press events or interview opportunities this year.”
The good news is that by the time SDCC rolls around, we may already have some movie news. Disney’s D23 Expo is the week before the mega-con, and Lucasfilm is part of their live action panel on Saturday, July 15. Speculation has it that we may get a behind-the-scenes featurette – something like what Lucasfilm brought to SDCC back in 2015. Rogue One launched theirs at Celebration Europe in 2016. Both were also July cons, so there’s an established pattern at work.
There may or may not be Han Solo news – there are rumblings about a title – but would anyone blame LFL if they keep quiet? On the other hand, giving a basic logline about the film beyond “young Han Solo” may help alleviate some of the ever-present wangst about its very existence. (A girl can dream.)
We probably will get some Star Wars news out of San Diego – it’s a frequent target for books, comics, collectibles and other things too minor league for D23 – but expect that anything big will be out on the 15th.
There’s still the question of that trailer, but I wonder if it’ll just turn out to be a shortened version of the first one? Stranger things have happened.
Ron Howard’s first photo of the Han Solo movie’s… Floor
New director Ron Howard has tweeted his first photo from the Han Solo set… And it isn’t really much of anything. Oh well.
“Cool scene today,” he wrote. “But I’m afraid this is the most revealing image I dare share from my 1st day on the set of the Untitled Han Solo movie.”
Link: Star Wars won four categories at the 2017 Saturn Awards
Star Wars won four categories at the 2017 Saturn Awards. Rogue One took Best Science Fiction Film as well as Visual Effects, and Gareth Edwards took Best Direction. Star Wars Rebels was named Best Animated Series.