Everyone is cantina fighting in the latest Han Solo set pics

Ron Howard has graced us with a few new set snaps of the Han Solo film. The first, “a dark and strange new corner of the Galaxy” appears to be our first (official) look at Alden Ehrenrich as Han (although: “Adam Driver” in Resistance pilot gear, never forget.) The second is an “intense & cool action scene” where we can’t make much out, but the locale does seem to be Mos Eisley-inspired.

Meanwhile, on the rumor front, seems like the Millennium Falcon may have a different look for this one. Though not too different.

The Last Jedi in print: Empire, Phasma interview, Visual Dictionary cover

Empire Magazine’s big The Last Jedi issue is nigh, and the subscriber and newstand covers have been revealed. The issue is out there, and if you feel like squinting, you can read the article scans right this second.

→ Read Phasma yet? You’ll want to check out James’ interview with author Delilah S. Dawson. If not, there’s a new excerpt.

→ The cover for Pablo Hidalgo’s The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary has been spotted on Random House. It doesn’t say “not final cover!”

The Forcecast returns with the crew from Podcast 66

TheForce.Net has enlisted Ryan and Daniel of Podcast 66 to revive the classic ForceCast, which was shut down back in March 2016 after they jettisoned their established crew for a new one that didn’t exactly take to their new role with good grace. Ryan and Daniel have a lot more experience behind them – Podcast 66 has been around for a few years now – so things seem off to a good start.

Their first episode features author Claudia Gray to talk about her new book Leia: Princess Of Alderaan, as well as Johnamarie Macias from The Wookiee Gunner and the Lego Star Wars podcast Star Scavengers.