Digital Spy is reporting that Uncle George wants to ban the Star Wars Holiday Special.
No Princess Leia singing? No Maude? No Luke with the Hayley Mills hairdo?
There goes Christmas!
Star Wars with occasional sarcasm
Digital Spy is reporting that Uncle George wants to ban the Star Wars Holiday Special.
No Princess Leia singing? No Maude? No Luke with the Hayley Mills hairdo?
There goes Christmas! has posted a complete book release list for Return of the Sith. Both non-fiction (well, if you consider background info on fiction non-fiction) and novels are covered. If you can only get one thing on the list, though, I recommend The Art of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. My copies of TPM and AOTC editions have seen more action than the actual DVDs.
Coming Soon has posted their latest Star Wars roundup – mostly ROTS stuff, including speculation on a rumored character appearance, prospective merchandise and a selection of links. And, yes, Yav’s new favorite shirt.
The good folks at TFN have apparently gotten their hands on scans of the Burger King promotional material for ROTS.
Pretty cool stuff and interestingly from all six movies. Yes, there are ROTS spoilers, so run, run away Sir Dan.
May 12th is the day that lucky (and rich) people in 10 U.S. cities will get a chance to attend charity screenings of “Revenge of the Sith.” Lucky buggers.
Also, check out the link at the bottom of the page for a very interesting picture (spoiler!).
Some guy over on AICN is claiming to have seen the first eight minutes of ROTS. Not sure if it’s true or not, but seems to jive with spoilers I’ve found on the net.
The review was quite favorable. Needless to say, massive spoilers.
Is it May yet? AHHHHH!!!!
Finally! Something that speaks to those of us who have undying devotion to both Star Wars and chocolate.
According to TFN, grocery stores have begun receiving promotional flyers indicating that M&Ms and Skittles will be getting in on the Star Wars fun with some promotional packaging and the character “Jedi Master M.”
Somebody loves us out there.
Darth Vader and Heidi Klum in Target commercial. (Quicktime required.) That’s certainly a step up from the Energizer Bunny!
The official site has updated their databank for ROTS with new information on Anakin, Padme, Obi-Wan, Bail, Palpatine and one completely new character. The entries themselves are fairly vague, but there are several new photos.
The UK’s Channel 4 has posted a “review” of Revenge of the Sith.
Neat trick considering they’ve not seen it. Still, some interesting tidbits of information and speculation.
Big time spoilers, so run, run away cave-dwellers.