Almost as pretty as the original and cheaper to keep in rum. Three cheers for vinyl men! And thanks to Denise for the head’s up.
“Welcome to the Caribbean, Luv.”
Star Wars with occasional sarcasm
Almost as pretty as the original and cheaper to keep in rum. Three cheers for vinyl men! And thanks to Denise for the head’s up.
“Welcome to the Caribbean, Luv.”
… okay, twenty-seven years ago yesterday, Star Wars opened with much fanfare to packed houses in the United Kingdom. Tickets were booked until March. Payback for Beatlemania, I say.
Thanks to TFN for pointing out this rather amusing article about the Star Wars Holiday Special.
And did you know that someone actually created a web page to celebrate it?
There’s something out there for everyone.
Lots of new stuff at Chiefly, their Best of 2004 roundup covers all the major stuff for the year.
What’s your choice for the top SW event or announcement of 2004?
Jar-Jar Binks is the mosting annoying character in film history, according to U.K. tabloid The Sun. He beat Donkey from Shrek, Gollum and several Jim Carey characters for the honor.
New article on today: World-Building: An Interview with Brian Gernand, the Practical Model Supervisor for Revenge of the Sith.
Also new, the C-3PO: His Moment to Shine (video) is now available to the general public, an upcoming online chat with Sword Master Nick Gillard, and the launch of
Leonardo DiCaprio claims he was offered the part of Anakin Skywalker, which will surprise no one who’s seen all those damn commercials for The Aviator – he could be Jack Lloyd’s older brother. However, he’s also, well, Leonardo DiCaprio, which means he looks like a troll on growth hormones. Thank you, Leo, for choosing to make crap fine films like The Beach instead.
Dark chocolate M&Ms? It’s all my dreams come true! There’s something about Return of the Sith tie-ins, too.
Rebelscum has a scan of the ROTS adaption cover art. It’s by Dave Dorman, who I can’t recall seeing for a while. Extremely picky artist types will note the faces are slightly off, giving Anakin and Padme that Young Jedi Knights look. has a preview of the Sneak Preview action figures from Hasbro, which will be in stores this February. There are five in total, 4 characters and a starfighter.
Alas, slashing action does not appear to be an option.