The Times Online has an interview with Hayden Christensen about his work on Revenge of the Sith.
I forsee.. angst.
Dark Horse has a five-page preview of the Revenge of the Sith comic adaption. They’re not consecutive pages and there’s no text yet, but there are a few things new to even the extremely spoiled.
Now I’ve seen everything
Star Wars pet and baby costumes. Because we’ve been dying to dress some poor dog up like Slave Leia.
Moving Product
TFN has a ton of ROTS merchandise pics. See what the shelves will look likle before the fanboys get there.
A long time ago… posts the crawl.
Warm up those wallets…
Have you been saving your Republic credits? Because Lucasfilms’ licensees have a lot in store for you, this year:
The Celebration 3 Exclusive Figure
The Official Pix license awarded to C2 Ventures
The new line of stickers from Mello Smello (alas, not scratch’n’sniff)
The Hallmark Ornaments for 2005
The ROTS Topps Cards (Spoilers abound!)
This just adds to the list that includes the previously announced books, action figures and the rather nifty, yet oh-so-pricey, window blinds.
Must start playing the lottery, again.
Next ROTS trailer with Robots?
TFN claims that the first full trailer for Revenge of the Sith will debut March 11th. It will be attached to the animated feature Robots, which features the voice of Ewan McGregor. They also have a ‘description‘.
Merchandise from Left Field
Not as bizarre as the Star Wars window blinds, but Lightsaber Pendants? For $200 a pop? Really? Ladies, can you honestly see yourself wearing these? Because I honestly can’t see dropping almost enough money to score an iPod on something nonfunctional that screams “I’m a huge geek.” People are going to know that the minute I open my mouth.
ROTS Bookshelf: The Covers
The official site updated with the covers for the novelization, The Making of, The Art of, and the graphic novel adaptation of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. IESB has high res scans (scroll down) for the detail-oriented. TFN, however, has a summary of the novelization. It reveals, well, pretty much the whole plot of the movie, so Spoiler Masters only.
Darth Tater!
Playskol strikes gold again with the introduction of Mr Potato Head Darth Vader!
Scroll down past the information on some new video game to see their latest masterpiece!
Thanks to Comingsoon for the head’s up on this!