Luke Skywalker: He’s like Jesus, in a way.
Start your engines
Preorder the OOT DVDs from StarWarsShop. Price is $59.99 for all three. Deal!
Also, Lucasfilm shirts.
Video Saturday
You must watch Ten Things I Hate About Commandments. Not Star Wars, but you know you can’t resist.
R2’s being a bad bad boy in this anti-smoking PSA.
Cooking with the Emperor. Who knew the Sith were so versatile?
Alderaan shoots first. Kind of dumb, but it made me smile.
Classic Clip: Troops
Cracktastic Revenge of the Sith synopsis! Highly selective but so unabashedly adorable I could not resist.
Star Wars Week(s)
May 16th, 2002 was the day Attack of the Clones was released. Meanwhile today, the 19th, is the anniversary of The Phantom Menace (1999) and Revenge of the Sith (2005.)
On Sunday the 21st, fandom celebrates the 26th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, and Thursday the 25th is the 29th anniversary of A New Hope and the 23rd of Return of the Jedi.
It’s not that kind of movie, kid
Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics. Yes, Star Wars is there – ROTS and TPM both get reviewed. Revenge of the Sith even gets a “Intuitor’s Pick – #1 Insultingly Stupid Space Battle Classic.” Aww, bless. (via SF Signal)
In related news, the Wookiee still has no pants.
And the HD geeks cried out in terror…
Apparently the OOT DVDs won’t be anamorphic-enhanced, whatever that means. The Digital Bits thinks this is bad news for the sales figures. I think that most folks have to plug “anamorphic enhancement” into Google just to figure out what the hell they’re talking about, so I wouldn’t be too worried. I don’t think anyone’s expecting the things to be as pimped and pampered as the 2004 releases. That’s not the point.
Speaking of the DVDs, T’bone has a varied assortment of half-baked theories and AICN weighs in.
I always thought Sith listened to NIN
There’s a new VIP at Frank Parisi, editor of the Star Wars Insider. (Well, okay, he’s been around since February. So sue me.) Anyway, today he reveals the subject of the next issue: The Sith. Sounds very interesting – I can only hope it actually reaches this subscriber in a timely manner come June.
Wacky Fan Theory of the Day
What species is Yoda? Let’s just say you don’t want to feed him after midnight.
OOT cover art revealed
Yet more technicolor collage madness. I was hoping for a more straight out retro look, but I guess that’s why John Knoll gave us Photoshop.