Star Wars belt buckles, from Hot Topic. Your choice of Vader, Fett, or stormtrooper.
Licensing love
Star Wars is Overall Best License of the Year, according to the International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association.
Free droid with purchase
The Empire wants you to buy Make magazine. (via Neatorama)
Breaking News: Jar Jar is annoying
The beloved digital sidekick was voted the most annoying film character of all time in a U.K.-based poll. Again. Needless to say, we’re completely shocked.
The Millennium Falcon can kick your ass
With its FISTS. Twice. Yes, there is now a Star Wars Transformers Deluxe Millennium Falcon, and for only $45.99 it could be yours. (Thanks to Prophet for the link.)
Brief updates from Lucas Licensing
Hollywood Reporter article on licensing hints at some future plans of Lucasfilm, saying that the CG TV series is currently slated for release in 2008 and the live-action series ‘in preproduction.’ What I assume is the ‘Secrets of 2007’ video game will be tied to the 30th anniversery and released in fall ’07.
Indiana Jones also gets a mention, with yet another video game due in 2007 and the next film in summer 2008.
Feel the wrath of the Monarch’s henchman!
The lightsaber is MTV’s favorite movie gizmo of all time.
Well, duh.
Let the rehashing begin!
Most impressive
Science Fiction Weekly reviews out Sideshow’s 12″ Luke Skywalker. Sounds pretty cool, though he still looks more dead-eyed than haunted to me. They also review the Premium Format Vader and Han.
Collectors might note that the pre-order for the 12″ Darth Maul has just started.
It’s that damn sunset again, isn’t it?
Star Wars: A New Hope is #39 on the American Film Insitute’s list of America’s Most Inspiring Movies.