Review roundup: (Almost) everyone is all-in for The Last Jedi

There are a lot of commonalities in The Last Jedi’s reviews: It’s better, or at the very least more daring than The Force Awakens, the performances are great, it’s much funnier than the marketing would have you expect, the franchise has changed forever but who cares, the middle sags a little… But even the negative review(s?) still maintain that this is a fun one. (With or without a hefty dose of “best since Empire!” which become the cliche back when The Force Awakens was still racking up ticket sales.) So head under the cut for my favorites (unless you’re scared of even the tinest spoiler, in which case, move along. Yes, some of these do hint at plot points.)

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Today in The Last Jedi: Rian Johnson goes long, Louboutins up for auction

There a new, wide-ranging interview with writer/director Rian Johnson over at today. Topics include porgs (naturally,) Snoke’s red room/gold robe, and why there hasn’t been much of Finn in the marketing. There’s also a super charming cast interview over at the New York Times.

The charity auction for the custom Louboutins has begin. (Currently in the lead is the Amilyn, for $9,500, followed by Rey, Rose and Phasma.) In true collector fashion, each auction winner will come away with two pairs of the shoe – one signed by Christian Louboutin and the actress, and a second “in the size of your choice” – which means yes, you CAN wear them.

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Tonight’s best #TheLastJedi world premiere reaction tweets

As we’ve learned in the past few years, every new Star Wars movie is the best one when one sees it on premiere night. But the praise for The Last Jedi is particularly enthusiastic and even occasionally thoughtful. Will it hold? Too soon to say, but for now, this is what we’re getting… All that and the beefcake 411, under the cut.

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