Is Greg Grunberg’s Snap Wexley coming back for Episode IX? “We better, or else my wife’s gonna kill me for growing the beard,” Grunberg said during a chat with Yahoo at SDCC. “I can’t officially say anything,” he continued. “But this is getting itchy. I’m getting itchy to go over there and do it. So yeah, we’ll see.”
Temmin “Snap” Wexley was one of the Black Squadron X-wing pilots in The Force Awakens. The character is a regular in the Poe Dameron comics, which is currently embarking on a storyline that explains what they were up to during The Last Jedi. As a teenager, the character is one of the leads in Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath trilogy.
Grunberg is a childhood pal of Episode IX director J.J. Abrams and appears in much of his work. IX is due to begin shooting very soon.
Ashley Eckstein and Her Universe are launching a special The Clone Wars collection at San Diego Comic-Con. To celebrate the show’s 10th birthday, Eckstein (who voices breakout character Ahsoka Tano) gathered some of her TCW castmates as models.
Some of the clothes are already available online, but they’ll also be for sale at the company’s SDCC booth in the Lucasfilm Pavilion.
Solo will land on digital on September 14 and Blu-ray on September 24, Lucasfilm announced today. It will have eight deleted scenes, including what looks like it might be Han at the Imperial academy, and a whole slew of other bonus material.
A younger version of Lando, played by Donald Glover, appeared in May’s Solo, but Billy Dee hasn’t been on screen since Return of the Jedi, though he did do some voice work as the character on Rebels.
IX is due to begin filming at the end of the month, so if this rumor does pan out, we’ll likely hear soon.
J.J. Abrams may be bringing a familiar face with him to Episode IX. Keri Russell is in talks for a role, Variety reports today. The role reportedly calls for “action-heavy fight scenes”, something she has experience with in her recent roles on FX’s The Americans, Mission: Impossible and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
Variety also says that Abrams is looking to cast two more roles before the end of the month, when filming is due to begin.
Russell starred in Abram’s first TV show, Felicity.
Ram Bergman, director Rian Johnson’s longtime producing partner, says we probably won’t see their new Star Wars trilogy for at least a couple of years. “Maybe in two years; it’s just in the early stages,” he said in an interview with From the Grapevine. He also reiterated that it will involve all new characters, and that “Everything is new.”
Dave Filoni and “special guests” will celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Lucasfilm Animation’s The Clone Wars with a panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday, July 19th. Star Wars isn’t expected to have a huge panel presence at the con this year – at least not in the Hall H sense – but this is our first announcement re: SDCC so far. Writer Amy Ratcliffe (Women of the Galaxy) will be moderating the panel.
With Episode IX more than a year out, will there be a panel on this fall’s Resistance – Lucasfilm Animation’s third show – as well? Per usual, we wait and see.