It’s Star Wars People Week!

First off, George Lucas is getting an AFI Lifetime Award:

“I’ve been very fortunate to have had a long career doing what I love to do, and being recognized by the AFI for it is really an honor,” Lucas said. “I’m proud to be counted among such an extraordinary group of people whose lives are dedicated to the art of making movies.”

And he bought Ewan McGregor a motorbike. Wouldn’t we all? (Assuming we could afford it.) For more Ewan, check out this interview with Scotland Today.

More interview action with Christopher Lee. Damn that man’s done a lot of movies.

And last but not least… The Star Wars Kid makes an appearance in Tony Hawk Underground 2.

I see by your implant…

Fan audio isn’t my thing, so many thanks to Jade Crusades for pointing out an episode of Requiem of the Outcast that features an interview with Timothy Zahn and Aaron Allston at StellerCon 2004. The interview starts at 15:20 and just might bring back your post-con depression. They talk about other authors writing their characters, fan reaction, Piggy, killing characters, writing in the original Wookiee, websites as self promotion, hints about Zahn’s Outbound Flight novel and even filking. (!)

Droid Wrangler

The official site has a multi-page profile of Don Bies, Lucasfilm’s go-to guy for keeping droids in check. Some interesting insight on the unique issues of working with Artoo and Threepio. Spoilers are fairly minor – just don’t look too closely at the pictures.

In other Ep3 news, some collector cards have gone up on eBay, with new images and some spoilery information. Check out the auctions here and here. See them at IESB. Watch for MAJOR SPOILERS.

Those aren’t droids

Ewan McGregor seems determined to sprinkle more family fare into his acting resume.

The first trailer for his upcoming animated adventure Robots has been released.

His neutral American accent keeps getting better and better! But watch out for him to be overshadowed by Robin Williams. Looks amusing, though!

Zahn’s Flood of Books

We have been neglecting our duty in supporting the work of our favorite authors. One who’s been quietly putting books out at an alarming pace, lately, is Timothy Zahn author of many of our favorite Star Wars books.

Just released:
The Green and the Gray – A married couple in New York find themselves protecting a child who turns out to be a refugee alien. The bookcover does it way more justice than I ever could. Just go get it!

Dragon and Soldier – This is book two in Tim’s young adult series. (Yes. Book two. We missed book one!) It features a 14-year-old thief who, while on the run, makes friends with a dragon who’s also on the run and trying to save everyone from a rather nasty fate.

What we missed:
Dragon and Thief – Book one of the series above. It has come out in softcover to coincide with the release of Book Two’s hardcover.

We’ll miss you, Scotty

While we’re mostly a Star Wars kinda group, we do have an appreciation for the Trek side of the universe. And most folks who have gone to a fair number of conventions have probably had a chance to meet the man.

So it is with great sadness that Trek fans gathered to wish James “Scotty” Doohan a retirement from the con circuit and public life as he deals with Parkinson’s and Alzheimers.

He was treated to quite the send-off weekend, culminating with getting a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Best of luck, Jimmy!

Star Wars Roll Call

Jimmy Smits (Bail Organa, AOTC & ROTS) has signed a development deal with ABC.

Author Kathy Tyers (Truce at Bakura, Balance Point) has rewritten and rereleased one of her early novels – Shivering World. Rambles has a review. Similar to her rewrite of the Firebird novels a few years back, it now features stronger faith themes and has been rereleased under a Christian fiction publisher.

There are several SW authors (Kevin J. Anderson, Terry Brooks, and Greg Keyes) doing signing and appearances within the next few months, according to Locus Online’s Author Event calendar. None of them are promoting Star Wars books, however. We don’t recommend going to KJA signings to heckle him, because from all accounts he’s actually a nice guy and will probably have enough trouble with the Dune fans.

But of course, the big even this month is DragonCon in Atlanta, with more guests that you can possibly meet. Notable SW personalities include Aaron Allston,