Indiana Jones to return on Thursday, May 22, 2008. Interesting timing, that.
I have a bad feeling about this…
Joel Schumacher wants to make a Sandman movie. There are so many scary-fan places I could take this troubling prospect, but since we’re at the time of night when I have no tact I’ll just say… No.
ETA: Neil Gaiman comments. …Michael Jackson? Okay!
Whedon is off Wonder Woman
It was simply not to be – Joss Whedon is no longer attached to make the Wonder Woman movie. Sadness.
Damn you, Oliver Stone!
Is 300 the last hope for classical epics? Can the Phantom in a loincloth save the sword and sandal epic? We’ll just have to see…
2007, meet your Snakes on a Plane
Run away! Run away! It’s the Black Sheep trailer! I never heard of this movie before today, but now I’m convinced it’s going to be awesome. (via Fandom Lounge)
And the nominations go to….
Ahh. It’s that time of year! Love ’em or hate ’em, awards are handed out for the high’s and lows’. And scanning through the awards lists, genre films have scored some award nominations. We’re sure there are other films nominated, but do we really care?
The Oscars
Best Original Screenplay – Pan’s Labyrinth
Best Adapted Screenplay – Children of Men
Best Foreign Language Film – Pan’s Labyrinth
Best Art Direction – Pan’s Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, The Prestige
Best Cinematography – Children of Men, The Illusionist, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Prestige
Best Film Editing – Children of Men
Best Makeup – Pan’s Labyrinth
Best Original Score – Pan’s Labyrinth (Editor’s Note: No John Williams?!)
Best Sound Editing – Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Best Sound Mixing – Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Best Visual Effects – Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Poseiden, Superman Returns
The Razzies
Worst Picture – BloodRayne, Lady in the Water, Wicker Man
Worst Actor – Nicholas Cage, Wicker Man
Worst Actress – Kristanna Loken, BloodRayne
Worst Supporting Actor – Ben Kingsley, BloodRayne; M. Night Shyamalan, Lady in the Water; David Thewliss, The Omen
Worst Supporting Actress – Kate Bosworth, Superman Returns; Michelle Rodriguez, BloodRayne
Worst Screen Couple – Nicolas Cage & His Bear Suit, Wicker Man
Worst Remake – Wicker Man
Worst Director – BloodRayne, Lady in the Water
Worst Screenplay – BloodRayne, Lady in the Water
If you actually want to contribute to an awards show, The Razzies will allow you to buy a membership and make your opinion known.
Next up for Pixar
The digital animation studio officially announced their 2008 feature will be WALL-E, about a robot looking for a home.
Just the thing to brighten your morning
Reel Pop’s list of top ten dystopia films, inspired by the fantastic Children of Men, includes both Blade Runner and THX 1138.
Frodo has a chainsaw
What If Other Directors Did Lord Of The Rings? Lucas is there, of course. But keep on reading for the best stuff.
Superman: Less Lovey-Dovey, More Action
SciFi Wire reports that one of the writers of the next Superman film is promising a more action-oriented sequel. They may even draw one (or maybe more than one) villain from the DC universe.