An overview of the Hobbit situation from the New York Times, because even I’m getting confused at this point.
KJA moves on to yet another franchise
You-Know-Who’s latest project is Last Days of Krypton, “an epic novel about the demise of Superman’s home planet.” Our condolences to the many Super-fans who will feel obligated to read the book when it comes out next fall.
In (sorta) related news, David Farland, aka Dave Wolverton (Courtship of Princess Leia) is out and about on a book tour.
Rumor Mill: Sam Raimi’s The Hobbit?
Word on the street is that the powers that be are courting Sam Raimi (Spiderman, Evil Dead) to step into Peter Jackson’s shoes. Not a bad idea, but would he even be willing?
Money for nothing
2006’s Forbes Fictional 15. Fannish members include Bruce Wayne, Willy Wonka (Candy and aerospace – Hah!) and Lucius Malfoy. Don’t miss the biographies!
MGM’s not buying Jackson’s denial
The Order is for a Better Trailer
The Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix teaser trailer is now up on Yahoo with plenty of viewing options for those not inclined to watch the teeny-tiny version on the Happy Feet website.
Anyone up for some Cajun mutant action?
X-Men producer Lauren Schuler Donner likes the idea of Lost’s Josh Holloway as Gambit. But wasn’t a fourth X-Men movie was off the menu? It’s a nice idea (and one I first heard from the fangirls, naturally) don’t hold your breath.
Order of the Pheonix teaser trailer
Yes, you have to go to the dancing penguin movie site to watch it. No, it’s not very long, or very big. But is it Harry Potter, so I hope you find it worth the time.
For the obsessive, there’s The Leaky Cauldron’s ‘world-famous’ shot-by-shot comparison and links to larger versions. They also link to E!’s set visit video.
Forget it Jake. It’s Hollywood.
Peter Jackson won’t be making The Hobbit movie and other mildly disturbing news (a second ‘prequel?)
No time for love, Dr. Jones
Pirate (argh) trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix or a much clearer 10 second clip. Yes, the pirate version is exactly as crap as you’d expect, but there are people on LiveJournal literally shitting their pants over it. Plus, you get to avoid the penguin movie.
Word on the street is that the trailer officially debuts on the internet Monday. Clear caps can be found at Coming Soon.