Tolkien and Lewis… friends and rivals?

The Scotsman has a fascinating article on the friendship between two of Britain’s most beloved literary figures.

CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien were the closest of friends, one struggling to make his fantasy world of Middle Earth a literary reality, the other trying to convince friends his first book about Narnia deserved to be published.

But new research has revealed that their friendship was riven by the most bitter and personal of rows on everything from literature to religion and even their choice of spouse.

The fascinating revelations about their real relationship have been made by film-maker Norman Stone while researching a new drama-documentary on the life of Lewis. Stone, who made the award-winning movie about Lewis, Shadowlands, talked to mutual friends of the literary pair as well as examining documents in minute detail.

The drama-documentary is scheduled to air on the Hallmark Channel in the US this December. The BBC is hoping to air it at the same time.

Open Thread: Fall Book Releases

I was at the bookstore today, and noticed two of fall’s big fantasy releases are already out: Neil Gaiman’s Anansi Boys and Robin Hobb’s Shaman’s Crossing. Coming out next Tuesday is Gregory Maguire’s Son of a Witch and the latest SW novel.

Also coming out soon is George R. R. Martin’s long-awaited A Feast for Crows, and – surprise! – yet another Wheel of Time book from Robert Jordan.

Star Wars aside, what fall releases are you most looking forward to?

Punk Rock Potters

MTV interviews Harry and the Potters:

With song titles like “The Foil (Malfoy)” and “Voldemort Can’t Stop the Rock,” 18-year-old Joe and 26-year-old Paul have watched in stunned amazement as their “goofy” idea has turned into a full-fledged, touring band. Strumming their guitars and belting out lyrics like “Draco Malfoy, what’s your problem?/ All your friends think you’re rad/ ‘Cause you treat me so bad,” the DeGeorge brothers have combined broomsticks with Blink-182. And the outfits help too.

That’s it, CJrs: we totally have to revive The Dead Daalas.