First I’ve heard of it… Luckily, there’s a video at Yahoo.
Bookgasm reviews Marvel Zombies
I kinda want to read it now… In trade paperback for the not-so-up-to-date zombie or comic geek in your life.
Blame Russell Crowe?
Naomi Novik, author of the Temeraire series, gets profiled by the New York Times. Also, in her LJ, a small correction regarding her comments on fanfic.
Nutjobs on parade
Harry Potter root cause of school shooting, Atlanta mother says. Because there was no violence in the world before Harry Potter? Methinks someone needs to read their Bible more closely…
There’s always room for Evil Overlords!
Jennifer Fallon lists the 51 sub-genres of speculative fiction. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll ask for more.
I guess it’s a Tolkien sort of day
Houghton Mifflin bought American rights to The Children of Húrin, some of which has been published in Unfinished Tales. This new version has been reconstructed and “painstakingly editing together” by Christopher Tolkien. Tolkienites, I hope this is a good thing for you. For the rest of us, the Wiki must provide. (Via THE BEAT.)
Good news, bad news for readers
Bad: J.K. Rowling has not written 750 pages of book 7, as reported earlier.
Good: Peter Jackson has optioned Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series. This doesn’t actually mean he’ll actually adapt them, but it’s certainly hopeful. Of course, there’s plenty of reaction on Novik’s livejournal.
How many exams?
‘First’ blunder found in Harry Potter series. (Thanks, Liz!) I don’t think this is the first – wasn’t there something about Harry’s parents and Voldemort’s wand in the first printing of Goblet of Fire? Oh, for a one-author canon. It must be dreamy to have only such minor errors.
Friends of Lulu seeks creators
Friends of Lulu is a non-profit organization that encourages female participation in comics. They’re looking for entries for a comic anthology called “The Girls’ Guide to Guys’ Stuff.” Given how very boycentric this fandom can be, a ‘Star Wars’ centric tale or two might be welcome. Hell, look a few posts down for an idea or three…
While we were drinking…
Here’s some of what’s been going on in the outside world.
Revenge of the Sith won two DVD awards. Also on the official site, November 2006 Comics.
Speaking of comics, don’t bother looking for Legacy #3 in stores. It was supposed to come out today (the schedule even said so until this morning) but it’s… not. Word on the boards is that last week’s books didn’t ship either. (I don’t know: I only buy Legacy.) Dark Horse isn’t the only one: Something is rotten in the comics industry.
“May the force be with you” tops online quote poll. And I don’t think TFN linked the poll, which means it might actually have won fair and square. Cool.
Some new Star Wars miniatures debuted at GenCon. The set includes a “Mystral” Shadow Guard, but unless they came with booze and/or naked men, I don’t think any of us noticed. Also, it seems they’re restarting the RPG.
Colleen Doran witnesses The Fan From Hell. I think we’ve found one that beats the Woodtick, folks.
Those damn Harry Potter plagiarists made it all the way up the fannish blog chain to John Scalzi. Twice.
Other stuff I would have blogged:
– NASA has misplaced the original moon landing tapes. Our tax dollars at work!
– Daniel Radcliffe is down with Harry Potter dying.
– Crazy mofo has “temporary” Wolverine piercing. My hand hurts just looking at it.
– Hayden Christensen making some movie.
– Things writers have no control over. (Add to the list: Killing Chewbacca.)
– The Top 8 Shows For SF Myth Busters.
– 11 Things in Fantasy/That I Don’t Promise Not to Use (or Keep Using) in My Writing and 6 More Things I Could do Without in Fantastic Literature & I don’t plan to use except to make fun of.