Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released into the wild on Saturday, July 21st. To paraphrase Cleolinda, the Potterd
‘Action Comics’ indeed!
Say what you will about the Expanded Universe and its many flaws, but at least no one ever tried to mind-whammy a Skywalker into doing porn. (Fanfic writers: Sssshhh!)
From the realm of our alternate master
The Whedon-penned Buffy the Vampire Slayer ‘Season 8’ comic doesn’t come out until March, but there’s already preview pages up. Be sure to also check out the cover for #2. Pirate!Xander is hot: Who knew?
Will the comic be enough to vanquish rerun overload and post-show apathy? Only a timely release will tell!
He’d be the dragon from Oz!
AICN interviews Naomi Novik about her Temeraire series. You know, former fanfic writer, dragons, Napoleon, optioned by Peter Jackson…
Harry Potter book 7 title revealed
I’d spoilcut it, but I think the whole world knows about J.K. Rowling’s solstice gift to the world: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The Leaky has some theories…
Fans are excited! No! Really?
Not all dragon books suck!
Scalzi’s 51 bloggers
John Scalzi mines Technorati to bring us the top 51 personal blogs in science fiction and fantasy. Neil Gaiman is first, BECAUSE IT’S THE LAW.
Conan the Barbarian, literary figure. Jokes about Ahnold’s acting aside, this is a pretty interesting article. From the sheer number of his works, I’d never have guessed that Robert E. Howard killed himself at 30.
Do Dunedain Rangers practice polyamory?
Science-loving blog Pharyngula asks for recommendations for books to “infect young brains with the imaginative side of science.” There’s also a much-longer thread for grown-ups; Tim Zahn gets namechecked in the very first post.
For the record if any science geeks find this post: I know there’s no sound in space; I just don’t care.