Video: Woman delighted by Chewbacca mask is the best thing you’ll see today


Candice Payne bought a Wookiee mask, and her video is the funniest thing you’ll see all day, I hope. The mask is sold out on, but may still be available in stores, though given how viral this video has gone, there’s no guarantee…

UPDATE: Candice’s video now has more than 100 million views, and is the most popular Facebook Live post ever. She and her family also got a visit from Kohl’s.

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Week 19

We review what #WearStarWarsEveryDay is up to for the second week of May! And we start off with a bang – some really cool biker scout trooper armor! We also had one donation to Collateral Repair Project in this week, and a whole bunch of folks who lent clothing to cover me every day of the week! Thanks to Todd of the Imperial Sands Garrison of the 501st Legion for the helping me fit into his scouttrooper armor, and him, Paul, Darren, James, and Mike for letting me borrow shirts (and even a hockey jersey). This review for Week 19 covers May 6 to May 12 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees.

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation or a per-day pledge!

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Week 18

#WearStarWarsEveryDay heads out of April and into its fifth month, May! No donations to Collateral Repair Project in this week, but we did have a whole bunch of folks who lent or donated clothing for the last two days of my Celebration streak and the beginning of my monthly focus on fandom! Thanks to Paula for the donated shirt, and Todd, Debby, Jennifer, and Caitlin for letting me borrow items of clothing — this time going on the small side with a bib and a ladies small t-shirt. This review for Week 18 covers April 29 to May 5 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees. Also, I was on the Galactic Fashion podcast recently talking about the project and about geek fashion for guys!

Just a reminder, I want May to be a showcase of Star Wars fandom, highlighting different fan efforts such as websites, podcasts, costume clubs, collecting clubs, artwork, etc. So if you’ve got something cool to donate or lend, like a club shirt, hat or costume item, send it on over, and I’ll promote your group or solo effort. I’ve got plenty of 501st Legion wear lent to me, but stuff from other clubs would be awesome! Get the shipping info here.

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation or a per-day pledge!

Video: Unboxing Star Wars: Bloodline, C-3PO comic & Jello!


Happy Star Wars Day! We’ve got a special episode of Unboxing Star Wars for May the 4th! First, Baby Jawa, Yowie and I check out the fun at “The Dome Awakens”, the Star Wars Day celebration at the downtown San Diego Public Library held on May 1, 2016. Then it’s time to review the recent C-3PO one shot comic by James Robinson and Tony Harris, and get excited for the new Star Wars novel, Bloodline, by Claudia Gray. We finish up with the results of our first try at making Star Wars Jell-o Jigglers, and then some Baby Jawa fun time!

Quick reviews
C-3PO #1 – A fun (and long-awaited) tale that does indeed explain the origins of Threepio’s red arm. Read this comic then watch the LEGO Star Wars short “The Resistance Rises: Poe to the Rescue” for an interesting crossover of canon and LEGO Star Wars.
Bloodline – Strongly recommend! I had high expectations for this novel because of Gray’s first Star Wars novel, Lost Stars, and she surpassed them. I really enjoyed this tale – it’s a top-notch story with some great characters, and Gray nails Leia’s character.
Star Wars JELL-O Jigglers Mold Set – Comes with two 6-character mold trays and 4 boxes of Jello! All the characters look great, except Yoda, who is in some sort of action pose which doesn’t quite work right. Be sure to use the special mold instructions on the big box instead of the regular Jiggler instructions on the inside boxes of gelatin.

Get more info on Wear Star Wars Every Day or make a donation at GoFundMe or sign up to make a per-day pledge.

Note: Del Rey provided a copy of Star Wars: Bloodline for review.

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Week 17

My streak of Star Wars Celebration wear continues for #WearStarWarsEveryDay week 17! Plus we have a new per-day pledgemaker, so big thanks to Kismet! Also thanks to Kristen who donated Celebration shirts for two of the days! This review for Week 17 covers April 22 to April 28 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees.

Just a reminder, I want to turn May into a showcase of Star Wars fandom, highlighting different fan efforts such as websites, podcasts, costume clubs, collecting clubs, artwork, etc. So if you’ve got something cool to donate or lend, like a club shirt, hat or costume item, send it on over, and I’ll promote your group or solo effort. Get the shipping info here.

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation or a per-day pledge!

A statistical look at The Force Awakens’ fan fiction


Remember when a respected publication wrote about The Force Awakens fanfic? Well, here’s an intriguing follow-up of sorts: Tumblr user DestinationToast on the Archive of Our Own stats for the fandom.

Archive of Our Own (aka AO3) is arguably the most important fan fiction archive for general fandom. This isn’t a complete picture of Star Wars fan fiction, as Star Wars has always been a bit of an outlier to overall fandom trends, but The Force Awakens is the first major Star Wars film to come out since AO3 launched in 2008. Toast does look briefly at the numbers for old standby Fanfiction.Net (FFN,) plus relative newcomers Tumblr and Wattpad.

Another major outlet for Star Wars fic is TheForce.Net’s Jedi Council boards, but no doubt the message board format makes these sort of things much harder to track. I do hope that authors on the JC have gotten better about double-posting their works to FFN or AO3… A lot of fics were all but lost when TFN migrated their boards to a new system several years back, causing posts of length (aka mostly fanfic) to be truncated beyond readability.