
USA Today has an article about Comic Con. Highlight is a quote regarding the Revenge of the Sith announcement:

“It’s certainly an improvement over the first two,” says Ken Simmons, 31, of Tampa. He spent most of the weekend dressed as a storm trooper character from the films. “I just hope no one confuses it with Revenge of the Nerds.”

And you thought SW fans were crazy…

Quite possibly the freakiest fandom story ever has made it into mainstream media with Hobbits gone wrong, a cover story into Portland’s Willamette Week. It’s an odd story of LOTR ‘charity’ fansites, Sean Astin, a missing person, and a whole lot of waylaid cash.

The article provides a good overview – an more details can be found at fwgreatesthits, an ofshoot of the fandom point-and-laugh community fandom wank.

Repaying a debt to the master

As the deadline to vote for your favorite Star Wars Fan Film approaches, Wired magazine sits down with Trey Stokes, director of fan film Pink Five Strikes Back, who credits Star Wars with inspiring him to go to film school and become a visual effects supervisor. The article takes a look at how fan films have proliferated over the past few years, and it notes that Lucasfilm’s response to the growing “art form” — giving fan films a distribution outlet and a stamp of approval — is unusual for a production company.