A thread on Jacen Solo’s behavior in the Dark Nest trilogy makes Fandom Wank. Bless Narcissam and the anonymice for making it through all this, because I’m getting a headache just reading the digest version.
Ron gets no respect
Kill Harry is a fun anime-style comic that crosses over Harry Potter with Kill Bill, with cameos from Bender, Bruce Campbell and Zombie Rick James. (Bitch.) Surprisingly entertaining, though there’s some possibly objectionable content. (via MeFi)
Been there, done that
Star Wars: The Empire Brokeback. Pssh. Threepio/Artoo is so 2005.
I’ll cut off your other hand, you pansy
Joss Whedon and Warren Ellis star in Flame War, a debate of epic proportions.
Deleted Magic
A reel of cut stuff from A New Hope. Some of the text stuff early on looks suspicious, but it does includes the Anchorhead scene with Luke’s Tatooine pals. (via The Website at the End of the Universe.)
Lost Rhapsody
Fan-made Lost video set to Weird Al’s ‘Bohemian Polka.’ Kinda rough, but damn funny. Spoilerific only if you haven’t seen the first season. (via MeFi)
This is not awesome!
Leader of Star Wars fight club grounded. The kid that is, not the bus driver.
Lustful Wookiees!
It’s the Boba. Bobacabana.
Gus Lopez and Pam Green are geekier than you, and they have the house to prove it. (via SF Signal)