From the Blogside

Dan Wallace asks how spacey should Star Wars get? Or, hot chocolate: exotic?

Padawanroo discusses the percieved inconsistency of costuming in the prequels verses the original trilogy.

Pabawan gets us in the holiday mood with a threepart (so far) series on bringing a gaint bunny into Star Wars continuty.

Sunnyskywalker finds unexpected parallels in Anakin and Han.

Imadra_blue has a very length series on Obi-Wan and Anakin. First, the plausibility of Anakin/Obi-Wan, then her perception of Anakin and Obi-Wan in canon and wrapping up with a lengthy look at Anakin’s many issues.

And this may be a especially ironic read for some CJers, but I wrote up a bit defining bashing and why it’s bad. Yes, even when KJA is involved. I guess everyone has to grow up sometime.

From the Blogside

Fan Club races are for amateurs, so The Dark Moose declares himself Emperor. As the Emperor’s Hoof, it is my duty to beat you all until you accept his Divine Grace. Or, you know, not.

Sarnjasra looks at A New Hope with You’re All Clear, Kid.

Rynne has some thoughts on angst.

Diviner525 considers the paradox of loyalty in Revenge of the Sith.

Master Ki-Aaron-Mundi takes a hard look at the ‘Chosen One’ prophecy.

Kenobi-fan is annoyed by clones (and cilantro) and wonders why.