Filk Friday

This week’s featured filk is a classic from one of Club Jade’s earliest and most prolific filkers, Echo. Inspired by the events in Tim Zahn’s “The Last Command”, I Wanna Clone Your Hand is sung to Luke by the crazy clone Jedi Master C’Baoth.

Read more from Echo’s body of work in the archive here.

The Word

David Campbell coins the much-needed term fandamentalism.

As with any social movement or sub-culture, there is an extreme fringe whose views are not shared by the majority, or at the very least not shared with fanatic intensity. Fans are no different. A common and recurring theme in fandom is a rigid devotion to a “classic” model of their obsession. Any deviation from that model, any disruption of the status quo, is a personal attack against the fandumentalist.

Yup. Sounds about right. (via Fanthropology)