The space hairdresser and the cowboy: Best #StarWars and #TheForceAwakens tweets for June 25-July 7

@SamuelAAdams: I just hope the Han Solo movie is still an origin story because I’ve always had major questions about his vest.

Yup, a little more board-clearing ahead of the big con. Hey, how about that Han Solo thing? Didja get all the fancasting out of your system? Please be sure you have all that fancasting out of your system, make sure your snark detector is in the upright and locked position, and… Go.

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Primordial Reptile Regulatory Committee: Best #StarWars, #TheForceAwakens and #SWEU tweets for May 29-June 10

@sternbergh: We jeered when STAR WARS became all about trade routes but I'd watch a film about the regulatory agency that allowed Jurassic Park to reopen

Since last time, we found out we’re going to SDCC (well, The Force Awakens is, clear your Friday) and the Star Wars comic dropped a crazy tidbit into a core character’s past that no one saw coming, though maybe we should have. Also! Homemade BB-8s! Pee jokes! All the usual bullshit!

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No more slash restrictions on TFN’s Jedi Council boards

As far as venues for Star Wars fan fiction are concerned, the fan fiction area on’s Jedi Council message boards may very well be the oldest still-active fan fiction community on the internet.

slashing-action2They were also rather infamous for a well-known rule that precludes fanfic that features same-sex relationships. (Often called slash and/or femslash.) And now, it’s allowed. Writes moderator Grand Admiral Jello:

I can now announce that MS has decided that the lifting of the same-sex romance ban applies to canon and EU characters as well as original characters — it’s a full lift, in line with the existing PG-13 rules about opposite sex romances. I’m sure we’ll have something official-ish soon, but we thought you all should know ASAP so there’s no uncertainty that this is a full lifting of the ban.

The first announcement this morning left the status of slash with existing Star Wars characters unclear.

The Jedi Council boards have always had a rating restriction of PG-13 and under for fanfic.

Slash fanfic has been around in various fandoms since (at least!) the days of the original Star Trek. In Star Wars fandom, slash exploded when the popularity of Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan back in 1999 practically created a subfandom out of whole cloth – and LFL stayed hands-off. Slash has been a hot-button issue among fans ever since – and occasionally before. But as the times change, both in society and in fiction, good on the TFN owners and moderators for finally putting the ban where it belongs – in the past.

The GFFA’s Mightiest Filler: Best #StarWars, #TheForceAwakens and #SWEU tweets for April 21-30

@stoogey: Despite my furious googling, "Rebels: Age of Fulcrum" is still apparently not a thing.

We’ve all eased back into normal life post-Celebration, just in time for May the 4th on Monday. In the meantime, John Boyega’s family gets their revenge for all those secrets he won’t spill, The Force Awakens posters have begun appearing in theaters, and something about… Dog poop? Whatever, it’s Friday.

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