Rebels cast speaks at Comic-Con. It’s not panel time yet (6pm PDT/9pm EDT) but Vanessa Marshall, Tiya Sircar, Steve Blum, and Taylor Gray answered a few fan questions live a little bit ago – and you can catch up at the link!
SDCC: Wednesday night at the con of cons
Last night’s SDCC preview and Hitfix/Rebels party seems to have been big hits – at right, our first look at the Sabine and Hera figures from none other than Dave Filoni himself. Yakface and Jedi Temple Archives have Hasbro booth pics for you toy die-hards.
Hitfix themselves and The Daily Dot have writeups of the party and TFN collected preview night and party tweets. And for those who want to look beyond Star Wars, /Film has nice roundup of some other things on the floor.
First look at Lucasfilm’s SDCC pavilion
On this morning, Mary Franklin shares some pictures from the Lucasfilm Pavilion at San Diego Comic-Con. (Though not the one above – that’s from her Twitter.) The con officially begins tonight, with the Rebels panel on Thursday and three book panels on Friday.
Episode VII news is not expected, unless it comes via the grapevine (or Mary’s video wall, but that’s a long shot.) And while the rumor mill is saying we might get an announcement of a Princess Leia comic from Marvel, I’m not sure where that would happen: At the A New Dawn panel, which seems focused on Del Rey? None of Marvel’s own panels seem to fit the bill.
In any case, don’t forget about the Rebels screening and HitFix party!
Is harassment at comic conventions really that big a problem?
Is harassment at comic conventions really that big a problem? Yes. Yes it is. In this survey, 25% of the respondents said they have been sexually harassed in the industry. Twenty five percent.
Video: New extended trailer for Rebels
A new trailer for Rebels showed up in the middle of the night, because why not, I guess. This one contains some new footage in addition to what we’ve seen in the first few clips and trailers, plus a date of ‘October.’
They’re also having a preview screening at SDCC.
Rebels is sponsoring HitFix’s SDCC party
Rebels is sponsoring HitFix’s SDCC party. There’s a contest on to win a VIP entry.
#AlohaAaron: Remembering Aaron Allston at, during SDCC
DragonCon will be memorializing Aaron this year as well – stay tuned for details.
SDCC signing schedule for John Jackson Miller and Doug Wheatley
SDCC signing schedule for John Jackson Miller and Doug Wheatley. And your chance to get the advance version of A New Dawn.
The worst Star Wars exhibit ever
The worst Star Wars exhibit ever. It’s bad enough that even Gawker is not exaggerating here.
James joins the latest Full of Sith
James joins the latest Full of Sith. Bryan Young, Amy Ratcliffe and Anakin Young recorded the podcast at Origins, where they chat about the Aaron Allston memorial. Also includes Bryan’s interview with Nick Gillard at Salt Lake City Comic-Con’s FanX.