There’s been a huge outpouring of grief, affection and memories after last night’s horrible news.
Particularly touching is this long remembrance from Ron at Silence in the Library Publishing of Aaron as a mentor. Bryan at Big Shiny Robot, another SitL author, also remembers him in that vein.
In our own corner of fandom, he’s remembered by Brian and Nanci at Tosche Station, Tricia at Fangirl, Peter at Lightsaber Rattling, Mike at Eleven-ThirtyEight, Aaron of Star Wars Bookworms, Mark of Jedi News, Eric at TFN, Andrew Liptak, and EUCantina. There are also brief but touching writeups (and lots of comments) from the 501st and Rebel Legions.
On the professional end, we have words from Del Rey’s Shelly Shapiro, Lucasfilm’s Jen Heddle and Leland Chee and fellow authors Tim Zahn, Troy Denning, Christie Golden, Martha Wells, Helen Keier and many, many more. (You can see some of them in the Twitter list below.)
Aaron also made headlines on mainstream SF/F sites like Tor, Suvudu, Locus and SF Signal.
And finally, there’s been a ton of talk about Aaron on Twitter:
I recommend everyone watch a really horrible movie and/or make a lot of puns this weekend in Aaron’s honor.