Out this (and last) week: Son of Dathomir #2, Star Wars #18 and the Mara Jade Bishoujo statue

JadeCon prep meant I never did a new release post last week, so naturally there were several last Wednesday.

This Wednesday, however, brings us Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #2.While you’re at the comic ship, you can pick up last week’s books, Star Wars #18 and the third Dawn of the Jedi trade collection, Force War. Last week also saw Star Wars Insider #150 make it out to the newsstands.

Also on the shipping list for this week? Kotobukiya’s Mara Jade Bishoujo statue. The list is for comic shops, but it’s also on Amazon if you’re so inclined. (It doesn’t seem folks were too impressed, but keep in mind this may very well be the last Mara Jade merchandise ever…)

Get an early look at Miller’s A New Dawn at SDCC

a-new-dawn-sdcc-cropDel Rey will be holding giveaways for special (paperback) advance editions of John Jackson Miller’s A New Dawn, the first of the new canon novels, at San Diego Comic-Con next month. Miller will also be on hand for signings.

The special edition of the book will also contain excerpts of the other forthcoming novels that have been announced so far: Tarkin, Heir to the Jedi, and Lords of the Sith.

A New Dawn will be out in hardcover/eBook on September 2, followed by James Luceno’s Tarkin on November 4.