Star Wars out this week: Han Solo, Destroyer Down

We’ve got two books, plus three brand new comics and three trade collections coming out Wednesday, November 7.

In stores today is the paperback edition of Leia: Princess of Alderaan and The Star Wars Archives: 1977-1983.

Debuting are new minis Han Solo: Imperial Cadet #1 and Destroyer Down #1, along with Star Wars #56.

In the trades, we have the complete Lando: Double or Nothing miniseries, Marvel’s complete The Last Jedi adaptation and Star Wars Adventures Volume 4.

Star Wars out this week: Women of the Galaxy

Halloween week brings one new book, one paperback reprint, and two comics. Out on Tuesday, October 30 is Women of the Galaxy by Amy Ratcliffe and many, many artists. (You can preview some of the art here, here and here.) It’s also a chance for fans to pick up the paperback of Daniel José Older’s Last Shot, the Han and Lando novel that first came out ahead of Solo in the spring.

Coming on the comic front Wednesday, October 31 are Tales from Darth Vader’s Castle #5 and Star Wars Adventures #15.

The Boba Fett movie will rot in the belly of the sarlacc for a thousand years

The long-rumored Boba Fett spinoff film is so dead that Kathleen Kennedy is admitting it almost existed:

The tweet-scoop is backed up by Variety. Fett has been the subject of spin-off rumors since we knew there were spinoffs, but the most recent rumors had Logan’s James Mangold writing and directing. (Before that, Fett was reportedly the subject of Josh Trank’s standalone.)

I myself am notoriously indifferent* to the character, but I doubt this means we’ve seen the end of him – the Fetts did get namechecked in our very first official dispatch re: The Mandalorian, after all. And even if Boba doesn’t get freed from his sand-ridden digestive grave in the new canon, the fact that we actually have a show called The Mandalorian coming is a pretty definitive testament to the character’s influence and legacy.

* Okay, I’ve been pretty much sick of the dude since, oh, 1996.

The First Order comes to Star Wars Resistance

Since several episodes of Star Wars Resistance dropped with the premiere, Saturday’s “The High Tower” is the first brand-new episode since the show’s debut earlier this month.

Looks like the First Order finally makes more than a token appearance, with the red-armored Major Vonreg taking point – and we also seem on track to see more of Torra Doza and her father, Colossus station operator, Captain Imanuel Doza.

Check under the cut for a clip and more pictures:

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Star Wars out this week: Scum and Villainy

This week brings one new book, two comics, and a hardcover collection. Out on Tuesday, October 23 is Pablo Hidalgo’s Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy’s Most Notorious. The hardcover covers three different eras (Old Republic, Empire, and the New Republic) through the notes of a family of police officers.

The comics coming on Wednesday, October 42, include Tales from Vader’s Castle #4, Doctor Aphra #25 and the hardcover edition of Darth Vader (2017) Volume 1.

Out next week we have Amy Ratcliffe’s Women of the Galaxy and the paperback of Daniel José Older’s Last Shot. Check out our book release schedule for more upcoming books.

George Lucas turns up on The Mandalorian set

Jon Favreau had a birthday visit (and some wine!) from George Lucas on the set of The Mandalorian today.

A later post shows the two with Dave Filoni, who worked with Lucas on The Clone Wars and is directing the first episode of The Mandalorian:

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Meanwhile, Making Star Wars has had their view altered… . At least briefly.

Star Wars out this week: More Vader, Thrawn trilogy adaptation collection

Wednesday, October 17 brings two comics and a Legends trade collection of some interest. The spooks continue with IDW’s Tales from Vader’s Castle #3, while Marvel has Darth Vader #22. And we’ve got a pretty noteworthy edition of the Legends epic collection – The New Republic volume 4 contains the complete comic adaptations of The Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising and The Last Command.

Jon Favreau shares some familiar objects from The Mandalorian

In Jon Favreau’s latest snaps from the set of The Mandalorian, he shares two props that might look familiar. The first is an ice cream machine, which you may remember from The Empire Stikes Back, or perhaps the traditional Running of the Hoods. The other is a tad more obscure (well, as obscure as anything Star Wars really gets – it’s an Amban phase-pulse blaster (or something inspired by it) that originates with the first appearance of Boba Fett in the Star Wars Holiday Special.

Who wields these objects – if they even end up as anything beyond scenery – is yet to be seen, but neither Willrow Hood nor Boba Fett are entirely out of the question.

Chuck Wendig fired by Marvel

Only a week after announcing a new project at NYCC, Marvel has fired writer Chuck Wendig, the author first revealed on Twitter. Shadow of Vader #1-3 will go ahead as planned, but he’s off the last two issues, as well as another Star Wars comic that hasn’t been announced yet.

The firing was over his Twitter feed, Wendig says (and verified by sources within Marvel, per Vulture.) “I was too vulgar, too political,” he tells them.

Neither trait is particularly new for Wendig’s Twitter feed – he’s always been vulgar, and political, and unapologetic, particularly when butting heads with the more obstinate parts of fandom. What has changed in the past week or so is that he’s attracted the attention of some of Twitter’s more high-profile right-wing personalities, resulting in a fresh wave of trolling. That puts this more in the range of a situation like James Gunn’s – and the implications are that this is yet another example of Marvel (though the comic side and the movie side are very much removed from each other) caving to right-wing pressure. Granted, Wendig has been getting the short end of the troll stick since Aftermath – something he brings up for context – but the higher-profile attacks have brought a much more relentless wave.

The firing is 100% Marvel – neither Lucasfilm nor Del Rey were involved, something Wendig affirmed in a follow-up tweet thread. Love or hate Wendig or his work, this is still a disturbing trend.