Steven Spielberg had a bit to say about Revenge of the Sith on a London radio station today:
Christian O’Connell: Stephen have you seen the new Star Wars?
Steven Spielberg: I saw it about a week ago, and it’s absolutely amazing. It’s the best of the last 3 episodes, it’s the best way you could possibly imagine for George to finish it off, it has a tremendous ending. It’s very dark — you’ll cry at the end. It’s wonderful.
Again with the crying…
Also, for those keeping track, the soundtrack came out today. If you buy it at Target or Walmart, you can download one of two exclusive tracks. From Target you get the radio edit of Battle of the Heros; from Walmart, an interview with John Williams. Not sure about how it works with Walmart, but I bought mine at Target and got a download code inside the case. And don’t forget the bonus DVD!
I got mine at Walmart tonight- haven’t had a chance to open it. Do we get the bonus DVD from the website? I don’t remember seeing anything about it.
The DVD is included in with the CD. It isn’t well-marked, but it’s a 2-disc case that opens on the left side of the music CD.
As for the DVD? LOVED Ian McDiarmid’s introductions. The editing was…unique.
The only real Ep3 footage included is the video that’s already been released.