Could Celebration V really be going to… Orlando?

Let go of your desire to have the con in City X.With Baltimore down for the count, many are assuming that Orlando is pretty much a done deal. It’s certainly not out of the running (and I won’t deny adding several area business feeds to my RSS reader) but people… We really need to be patient.

I know, I know. I’ve been terrible at that myself, particularly when we failed to see much of anything through the summer. But now it’s time to be zen and get in touch with our inner Yodas. It’ll happen when it happens. And if it is in Florida… Well, we’ll deal. One way or another. With margaritas, if need be. Giant, Hoth-themed margaritas.

The Clone Wars S1 DVD/BLU-Ray rakes up good reviews

Now that season one of The Clone Wars has been released for a week on DVD and Blu-Ray, here’s what they’re saying:

  • Wired’s GeekDad likes the featurettes looking at the artwork, and says it is “definitely worth picking up.”
  • HD Room reviews the Blu-Ray, gives it 8.5 out of 10 with great video and replayability, thinking that this show has the best prequel-era stories.
  • iF Magazine selects it as DVD pick of the week, with the characters that you love, and new characters that are as fascinating as the familiar faces.
  • gives it a 4 out of 5, with near-perfect video transfer, awesome featurettes, and says “the series itself has proven to be far more captivating, inventive, and entertaining than the feature film that bears its name.”
  • Den of Geek doesn’t review it, but shows off some exclusive concept art.

Looks like the release of season one is getting a good thumbs-up!

Reviewing The Clone Wars: ‘Landing at Point Rain’

Things that go boom

After the political intrigue of ‘Senate Spy’, ‘Landing at Point Rain’ put both the clones and the war back into The Clone Wars. This episode serves as the opening chapter in a Geonosis-based story arc much in the same way that the invasion of the beaches of Normandy starts off Saving Private Ryan – lots of dirt and death. Could the episode title be an oblique reference to the Spielberg movie? Continue reading “Reviewing The Clone Wars: ‘Landing at Point Rain’”

Lucasfilm and Verizon, sitting in a tree: L-I-C-E-N-S-E-E

If you keep an eye on mentions of Lucasfilm on Twitter, it’s pretty hard to avoid the wide range of reaction as folks spot the trademark notice on the various promotional materials for Verizon’s Droid phone. As pointless as it may be to ask on a site full of Star Wars fans, what do you think? Answer on the sidebar or under the cut. Continue reading “Lucasfilm and Verizon, sitting in a tree: L-I-C-E-N-S-E-E”

Movie news: Clueless director to take on Vamps

As if!Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good. Clueless director Amy Heckerling is making a vampire romantic comedy. I can’t believe they found a way to actually might make me kind want to see a vampire movie. (No, Alicia Silverstone is not involved – Krysten Ritter is – but I am not one to resist a cheap Photoshop gag.) In related news Saturday Night Live’s Twilight spoof has been burning up the internet.

Oh, James Cameron. The New York Times claims that Avatar’s price tag is a cool $500 mil. Well, at least the latest trailer actually bothers to make it look like an action movie.

Mumble mumble fourth. The Los Angeles Times’ Geoff Boucher looks at the difficulty of making upcoming films for several different franchises: Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man, X-Men and Pirates of the Caribbean. On that note, io9 quotes the relevant parts of a /Film podcast where X2 screenwriter Michael Dougherty describes what X3 might have been.

Shocking! ‘Archival footage’ from that cheesy alien abduction movie actually fake. People, did we learn nothing from Blair Witch?

Also… The ‘lost’ cantina scene of Star Trek; Ian McKellen and Viggo Mortensen talk The Hobbit; New poster for Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.