Now you can buy a print or t-shirt of the Ironic Sans ‘A New Hope’ mashup! Steve Sansweet has one! (via)
The Clone Wars: More ‘Malevolence’ has an episode guide and preview vid (above) for the next episode, ‘Shadow of Malevolence.’ Is it just me, or did they hire the Full Life Consequences guy to do that bit in the beginning? (I’m sure it’s Pablo’s fault.)
Meanwhile, Filoni continues talking up the show, this time over at Comic Book Resources.
Gate Geek – There are no small parts….
A couple of nice interviews with two of the actors behind some of the “minor” roles in Stargate:
- Alexis Cruz, Skaara, talks about how cool it is to have been with the Stargate saga from the beginning
- Kavan Smith talks to the official site about how Lorne came to be. (For the actors out there, Lorne is an oak and a german shepherd.)
And the official site posts a teaser for The Lost Tribe (the second part of a 2-parter featuring Daniel Jackson) that doesn’t give it all away like the SciFi promo apparently does. features artist Terese Nielsen
We’ve featured some of Terese Nielsen’s box art for the Star Wars minis set, but the official site now has an interview and some new pieces (The Clone Wars, natch.)
There are newish Darth Malak and Young Obi-Wan paintings on her blog, as well as a gold leaf demonstration using her Padme CIV print. And check out even more of her Star Wars work at DeviantArt.
The Ratings Game – Clone Wars Rocks, Heroes Tanks
Entertainment industry strikes have an interesting way of shaking up the following season. This one is no exception.
- Heroes is steadily dropping with each episode: down 18% from the already-sluggish season premiere. However, according to EOnline, it’s doing really well on Hulu. (Have you people learned nothing from Stargate? TV execs and advertisers don’t understand this whole alternative viewing thing, yet. Watch it live if you want to keep it!)
- Sarah Connor is, according to SyFyPortal, on the verge of cancellation, but also thriving in the alternative market.
- Chuck is holding on, but has also dropped 11%.
So let’s focus on the happy, shall we?
- Clone Wars set a new record for Cartoon Network with 4 million viewers.
- Fringe won the coveted 18-49 demographic
- And even Sanctuary drummed up strong numbers for SciFi with 2.7 million viewers. (Although I suspect this will be another that soon bleeds off to online and DVR viewing.)
Remember, fellow geeks, only you can save TV shows: watch them live!
Video: Remember Full Life Consequences?
There’s a sequel! And also this. I know we have the near-illiterate fanboys, so why isn’t our badfic half this hilarious?
Star Wars (and everyone else) makes it on Empire’s 500 greatest movies
Lists are all well and good, but Empire’s list of the 500 greatest movies of all time is ridiculous. Luckily for you, I skimmed it so you can have that half-hour of your life to do with as you will.
The original trilogy makes a nice showing, with Empire Strikes Back at #3, A New Hope at #22 and Return of the Jedi at #91. (Plus, Raiders of the Lost Ark is #2.) The prequel trilogy clocks in with The Phantom Menace at #449 and Revenge of the Sith at #330.
As for other movies of interest: Serenity (#383,) Clerks (#361,) Shaun of the Dead (#231,) The Princess Bride (#122,) Batman Begins (#81,) Evil Dead (#49,) The Matrix (#39,) Terminator 2 (#35,) Aliens (#30,) Blade Runner (#20,) 2001 (#16,) and The Dark Knight (#15.) I think all of LOTR was in the top 100 too, but I lost track because 500 MOVIES IS RIDICULOUS.
A Hero Loves the Star Wars Heroes
Heroes‘ own Peter Petrelli, Milo Ventimiglia, is a big ol’ Star Wars geek!
Bonnie gets the dirt on why he wanted to be Luke in Return of the Jedi (good taste) and how he has started using his ForceFX lightsaber to intimidate everywhere he goes. (Oh, get your minds out of the gutter!)
Bonus: Milo and his friend geeked out by making a video of a lightsaber duel. And he’s calling out Seth Green, next. Woo hoo!
The holographs are coming!
Yes, 3-D holograph technology is swiftly becoming a reality, prompting bloggers to pull out their old “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi.” stills. I’d retaliate with a giant floating head of Palpatine, but I left it on the other computer. Next time!
Here’s the Shadow of Malevolence Y-Wing
At least, io9 (beware, link contains massive Heroes and Transformers spoilers, among others) says this is a Y-Wing, and since this week’s webcomic deals with them I see no reason to doubt. It actually looks kind of like a cylon raider – something about the bit in the middle – but that’s why I’m not a spaceship guru. (Still, we did see concept art of this one way back.) And is that what I think it is in the background? Bypass the actual spoilers to view a larger version.
…Or just bypass them alltogether with the preview, and another still.