Out this week: Invincible, KOTOR

IMAGEYou probably won’t be surprised to hear that the final Legacy of the Force novel, Troy Denning’s Invincible, goes on sale Tuesday. (We’ll poll for your reactions next week.)

Meanwhile, Diamond says Wednesday will bring Knights of the Old Republic #28, the fourth part of Vector and the finale for its run in KOTOR. (The storyline will then jump several thousand years forward in Dark Times #11.)

Lost kicks ass

Yeah, yeah, I know Lost had a weak season two and that season three was uneven, but for those of us who stuck with it, season four is the pay off. Anyway, a couple of articles of interest. The first about Locke and the second, um, well, mostly about Locke too and a bit of Ben.

Karen Allen on Return of the Ravenwood; Reviews of Indy IV…

IMAGE: Karen AllenKaren Allen talks up her role as cult icon to iF Magazine and and about her role as Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost Ark & Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: “How can you go wrong when you meet a woman in a bar in Nepal and she’s drinking men under the table, yelling at large men in Nepalese and ordering them out of the bar, and when she first sets eyes on Indiana Jones, she socks him in the jaw?”

Reviews of IJ&KotCS have started to appear online:

  • USA Today sums up the online reviews
  • AHN talks about some of these ‘leaks’
  • Review #1 on Aintitcoolnews.com (may contain spoilers)
  • Review #2 on Aintitcoolnews.com (may contain spoilers)
  • Review #3 on Aintitcoolnews.com (may contain spoilers)

The LA Times looks at the re-release of the first three Indiana Jones DVDs, as a retrospect on Spielberg’s filmmaking.