Indy racing in Indy?

IMAGE: #26 Team Indiana Jones

Indianapolis 500 meet Indiana Jones IV – OfficialStarWarsBlog gives us the dirt on the Indiana Jones themed Indy race car that will be seen in the Indianapolis 500 on Memorial Day. Brought to you by Andretti Green Racing, Blockbuster and Lucasfilm, the #26 Team Indiana Jones car will be driven by Marco Andretti. Before appearing in Indianapolis, the car will be going on a ten city tour of the US – details on the tour are supposed to be on An Indy car is definitely a step up over that mine car under Pankot palace!

Mary wants your crafting nightmares!

A message from the Mighty Mary Franklin:

I am writing my Bantha Tracks editorial to go with a “Craft” theme, and have decided to write about great Star Wars craft ideas gone all to hell. I know we have some great stories in Club Jade alone! PG and Yav’s “Twin Suns of Corellia” costume, for example, or Jar Jar the F*&*^#g Pinata.

Please send me a brief story and pictures of your Star Wars crafts gone wrong to

To meet my deadline for Insider magazine, please send by tomorrow (Tuesday) night. However, if I get a lot of good stories like this I will do a special feature in Bantha Tracks Online, too! Thanks! Jessa.

Yes Virginia, Millennium Falcon is post-LOTF

I almost spoiled myself over at io9 today, (Spoilers for EVERYTHING at that link) but since even they’re reporting about Invincible I’m just going to cave and report that the people who got the book early are saying that Luceno’s Millennium Falcon is a post-LOTF novel. It gets teased in the back of Invincible, complete with a ‘to be continued…’ (or other words to that effect.) And while there’s more, it’s spoileriffic and thus I don’t know.

I first read this on the TFN boards and may have caught a teensy bit of spoiler in the process, but both EUC and TFN have posted the news since then, so what the hell. It’s tough out here when you’re trying to get the spoilers off limits… At least with friends like these.