MSN movies places Return of the Jedi (Okay…) and Return of the King (Which one of the six… Oh.) on their list of worst movie endings ever. Titanic is there too, as well as a good handful of Spielberg flicks. (That said, AI deserves all the scorn it can get.)
TFN thread of the indeterminate time period
I figure I ought to be at least a little nice to TFN, since they are sending us many lovely clicks, so today’s thread is a helpful one that has yet to collapse under its own weight: EU fans, how would you define a strong female character?
I’m sure this is some flavor of blasphemy
The Jawa nativity! (via)
Harry Potter? Star Wars? NO WAI!
Sorry folks: I don’t even have the heart to properly snark this one. But since it’s been a week for stuff that’s been all over the internet fifty times over, this did the same thing much more effectively.
Indiana Jones poster retrospective
Helping to celebrate the release of the official teaser poster for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (see previous entry), has a neat article looking at Indiana Jones posters from the previous adventures, covering the globe with posters from Poland, Australia, Belgium, and even Disneyland. Read the article by Pete Vilmur. The hatless, jacketless Indy poster looks more like a Bond flick poster!
LFL threefer: Post-pro and Padawans
Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound servicing more than just the big budgets – both post-production firms are becoming more available to ‘smaller’ films.
Cnet’s Daniel Terdiman gets to visit the Ranch for a behind-the-scenes look at Skywalker Sound. (Copy editing quirk: Han Solo has a lightsaber?)
Last but by no means least: Lucasfilm Animation Singapore is starting up the Jedi Master Program – a paid apprenticeship for computer graphics artists. Sounds like an amazing opportunity – the competition to get in is sure to be fierce!
Comics from the future!
Rebelscum has the Dark Horse solicitations for March 2008, including Legacy #22, Rebellion #12, Knights of the Old Republic #27, an Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull adaption and the first of a new Serenity limited series by Joss Whedon!
Hey, that guy looks familiar!
That was my thought as I was browsing over to Lightsabre this evening… They’ve interviewed our own Chris Gereke.
Yub, yub, Emperor!
Crystal Skull teaser poster
Well well, look what showed up today:
You can download a larger version at, but turn your speakers down first.