The new incarnation of the fan film awards is off, and there are several familiar faces among the contenders.
Out this week
Today, Rebellion #6 and the second Knights of the Old Republic collection should be gracing the shelves at your local comic book store.
Master Replicas license expiring in 2007
Scholastic’s Vader novel: The truth emerges
October’s The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader is being penned by Star Wars vet Ryder Windham, not R.L. Stine as rumored. Phew! And special thanks to Bonnie for her research into the situation yesterday.
CIV: The Force Unleashed
Inside Robot Chicken: Star Wars
Visual Guide, Chapter 5
CIV: Billy Dee, Dave and Lou Elsey
Billy Dee Williams and Dave and Lou Elsey are confirmed guests at Celebration. Also, StarWarsShop Exclusives, which include a Clone Trooper dogtag sure to be popular with CJers.
A long time ago, in a Fourplex far far away…
Jim Gorant’s Star Wars memories in Parade magazine. And of course, they ask for ours. (Who isn’t?) Also, polls!