Not that it wasn’t in color before… but now you can check out both the front and the back cover of Michael Reaves and Steve Perry’s upcoming Death Star novel.
Fantasy author Lloyd Alexander dies
CW upfronts: Goodnight, Veronica
Yes, there’s a lot of corporate doublespeak going around, but it looks like Veronica Mars is indeed canceled, surprising absolutely no one. I’ll still miss the show, but you know, that’s TV for you.
And yes, Supernatural and Smallville are returning.
Turnabout is fair play…
Remember the horrible statue where Mary Jane washes Spidey’s suit while falling out of her clothes? Well, here’s a rebuttal. And yes, literally, there is butt, so probably NSFW.
The internet is full of fanboys
At least according to Lycos: “Natalie Portman” is their #1 most searched-for Star Wars term, followed up by Oola, Endor, Harrison Ford, and Yoda. Interesting, but I wonder what Google or Yahoo’s search stats would be…
Another pro on fanfic
Cory Doctorow praises fan fiction. In Locus. Huh.
Awesome t-shirts has a list of the top ten Star Wars t-shirts. I think only two of them are officially licensed, and you better get ’em quick because exposure on TFN probably means they’ll be all sold out soon.
Bring me the helmet of Darth Vader!
With the Celebration news flying so fast lately, it seems next to impossible to get one’s mind around all of it – but I’m pretty sure I’d remember hearing about this – an exhibit of artist-customized Darth Vader helmets. Be sure to check out this a comical take by illustrator Cameron Tiede.
UPDATE: TOS comes through tonight with The Vader Project, and a look at more arty helmets!
CIV: A schedule to start with
Insider’s Guide to Celebration IV, Part I includes Fan Stage events, many of which we’re hearing about for the first time!
Magazines celebrate with multiple covers
To commemorate the 30th anniversary, he Insider will have three, including a special edition only available at Celebration, and Empire magazine is going all out with a whopping thirty, revealing one a day on their website. Pity the poor collectors!