Video Monday: Cute Attack

Combining this week’s quota of Weird Al and Lego content in one amazing package: The Saga Begins – in Lego.

Why you shouldn’t leave laser weapons laying around the house. (Warning: baby.)

There endth this week’s Star Wars content.

Kenya is a flash animation that everyone on the internet should have seen by now. (But hey, if folks keep linking ‘Store Wars,’ there’s gotta be a couple folks out there who haven’t seen this yet, either.) It’s by the same folks who did that internet classic, Badger Badger Badger. And yes, they both repeat.

Pug bowling! A touching tale of revenge so adorable it ought to be illegal.

And to take us on home, a kitten on a keyboard.

Video Monday

This week’s highlight – Stephen Colbert visits California’s 6th district, aka Lucas country. Mace Windu is not impressed.

We Didn’t Start the Fandom, a Harry Potter fandom filk. Probably doesn’t make much sense if you’re not in the fandom or reading Fandom Wank, but trust me, it’s pretty funny if you know what they’re talking about.

The old school Ewok song, acoustic on Craig Kilborn. It’s a sing-a-long!

Weird Al performs ‘Yoda’ live. S-O-D-A!

Second preview for upcoming season of BSG.
Younglings in the kitchen.
Star Wieners – Part 1, Part 2.
‘Mos Eisley’ rap video.
Yoda and Obi Wan Love Porn.
Classic Clip: Bea Arthur sings!