EUbits: Insider #124 brings Kemp short story, news of yet another Old Republic comic

Another Old Republic comic is coming. The new Insider contain news of a mini-series called The Lost Suns. Game writer Alexander Freed will be doing the writing honors, with the team from Blood of the Empire on art. Head on over to NJOE and/or Star Wars Universe for the full image and details.

This is the same issue that features Paul S. Kemp’s ‘The Third Lesson,‘ a Darth Malgus short story, so if you’re a fan of the era it’ll no doubt be worth picking up. On that note, Kemp is giving away a Deceived audiobook or two.

Also upcoming… Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff reveals a new tentative title for her and Reaves’ Coruscant Knights followup: The Last Jedi.

More on the Dark Side: Scott Allie talks more with MTV Geek about Qui-Gon Jinn’s adventures in the upcoming comic Star Wars: Jedi – The Dark Side. Without revealing whether Qui-Gon is the one to cross over to the dark side, Allie talks about developing a story about the Jedi’s imperfect judgment, with a plot that is flashbacked to in the YA books, and describes Qui-Gon’s role here as a “powerful Jedi out on the rim of the galaxy, angry and alone, like a hero from the Clint Eastwood western.”

Recent releases. John Jackson Miller has notes for Knight Errant.

Nonfiction. J. W. Rinzler tweets about a new Star Wars Art installment.

Learn something. In his latest blog entry, Drew Karpyshyn writes about how a book makes it from outline to novel.

Coming in the back way. A prequel fan’s review of Heir to the Empire. He liked it!

Street date shuffle: Realigning the novels for 2011/2012

We got a number of schedule updates from Sue Rostoni today. There were a few notable delays – Riptide, Shadow Games and (sigh) Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse have all been pushed back a few months. There were also a number of additions: Drew Karpyshyn’s contribution to The Old Republic tie-ins set for October. Looking forward into 2012, Luceno’s Plagueis novel is up for January, and Allston’s new Wraith book for July.

We also got what is perhaps our first conformation that John Jackson Miller’s Lost Tribe of the Sith is set for print. Head on over to our book schedule for all the details.

EUbits: Clearing the boards

Previews. They’ve finally stopped releasing Red Harvest chapters at eight. (The book comes out tomorrow.) Meanwhile, there are three chapters of The Old Republic: Deceived scattered around the internet. I suppose we’ll learn soon enough if this actually has any effects on sales.

Interviews. On that note, Paul S. Kemp talks Deceived at Darth Hater, while Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff chats with Knights Archive.

Reader. An analysis of The Jedi Path.

Also… Drew Karpyshyn has a new site.

Out this week: The Jedi Path and everything else

This is a big week for releases, which I guess is understandable seeing as all we’ve had for the rest of the month is a reprint. Hunker down, kids: I got a lot to go through.

The biggest item (literally) is Daniel Wallace’s The Jedi Path, the wildly anticipated “in-universe artifact” that will teach you to be a Jedi. Or so they claim. (I am skeptical. Of course, that’s my job.) It does have a neat case, though. Also out on Tuesday is Drew Karpyshyn’s Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil in paperback.

Also of interest is The Art of Drew Struzan, which TFN has graciously reviewed.

As for Wednesday Dark Horse (or their printers) are making up for lost time with Blood Ties: A Tale of Jango and Boba Fett #2 and Invasion: Rescues #4, while those who prefer TPBs can pick up The Force Unleashed II adaption and the second volume of the A Long Time Ago… omnibus.

Celebration V book and comic news: Wraith Squadron, Fate of the Jedi, Crimson Empire 3 and more

Del Rey brought plenty to the table for Celebration, but the biggest EU news is without a doubt the reveal that Aaron Allston will be writing a brand-new Wraith Squadron novel. It’s too early for details, but expect a spring/summer 2012 release date.

We also learned that Thrawn will appear in Zahn’s Hand of Judgment, Drew Karpyshyn will be writing a third Old Republic novel, Jeff Grubb’s 2012 paperback will feature Hutts, and Han Solo will appear in the Dash Rendar/Holostar novel. And TFN reports that something is in the works for the 20th anniversary of Heir to the Empire, to which I say: Damn straight.

As for Fate of the Jedi, we learned that the final book will be titled Apocalypse. Cheery! Also addressed was the heightening of drama, Vestara’s role, and (sigh) the whole Jacen/Tahiri thing. Except, not really. (I do love the Mando quote, of course.)

Meanwhile, the comic fans got a surprise of their own: Crimson Empire III is a go, for real this time. The 6-issue series will begin in March with Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley scripting and Dave Dorman on covers.

Knight Errant got a big push, complete with a costumed representation, but if the EUC report is anything to go by it’s too soon for much of a reveal.

As for Legacy, there are currently no plans for anything after the War mini – Ostrander and Duursema will “will be working on something entirely different.”

The rest of the news rehashes much we’ve already heard, but a hardcover edition of Dark Empire will commemorate the comic’s twentieth anniversary. And the return of Dark Horse Presents may yield some Tales-like stories.

Also getting some love at the con (but not enough for their own entry) was The Force Unleashed (Yoda? Really? That Muppet needs a better agent.) and The Old Republic.

SDCC: Saturday (and some Friday) roundup

Someone got stabbed with a pen in Hall H this evening; There’s a report from San Diego’s NBC affiliate and Comic Book Resources and Entertainment Weekly are on the case. (Harrison Ford is not a suspect.) The rumors have been flying over Twitter, including allegations that seat-squatting (a common practice) was a factor.

EUbits: Art, comics, blogs and a very dead parrot

Pictures! We’re not exactly big gamers ’round these parts, but the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game is noteworthy for providing us with new Expanded Universe art, and The Nightsister’s Revenge expansion is no exception.

Comics: has Dark Horse’s spring 2010 solicitations. Don’t get too excited, though: There are only two things on there. But they are both Legacy. Could the rest of spring be under wraps? In the more immediate future, previews for Legacy #43 and Knights of the Old Republic #48.

The blogside. Drew Karpyshyn explains (Spoilers!) the end of Dynasty of Evil, while Dan Wallace talks about some of his work on George Lucas’ Blockbusting.

Pining for the fjords. A summary for Karen Traviss’ second Imperial Commando novel -Remember? The one that’s pretty much cancelled? – has appeared on You live the dream, Amazon. (via)

EUbits: Amazon still breaking all the TOR novelization news

Don't get too excited, this is just TOR game concept artStill nothing official, though. An extended title for the unconfirmed novel by Sean Williams was spotted on Amazon: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance. (The release date remains listed as July 2010, but we still don’t have a date for the actual game, so count on nothing at this point.) Wonder if this means we’ll get some kind of official announcement soon?

The blogside. Drew Karpyshyn is going on about the Sith again, while Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff writes about filk.

Authors. Aaron Allston is on Twitter. Sort of.

Hyperspace: Go obscure with The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs by James McFadden.

EUbits: February comics, Backlash datage, Karpyshyn, Bohnhoff, and Schreiber

Has Zayne always been wearing TCW Anakin's clothes?Comics of an upcoming nature. has Dark Horse’s February 2010 solicitations, including the final issue of Knights of the Old Republic. People also seen to be awfully excited about seeing The Old Republic webcomic in print, but let’s not forget Legacy #45, the Dark Times: Blue Harvest TPB, and a Boba Fett omnibus. Okay, feel free to forget that last one. (I kid. Maybe.) Want a taste of something coming out a little sooner? has previews for Knights of the Old Republic #47 and Legacy #42.

Street date shuffle. spotted that April 13, 2010 is the new date for Fate of the Jedi: Backlash. That’s just a little under a month from the last date of March 9th.

The blogside. Drew Karpyshyn blogs to remind us that Dynasty of Evil is out next month… And tease The Old Republic. Meanwhile, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff has what goes on in a writer’s head, the casting call, and when characters fall in love.

Interviews. NJOE went round robin with Death Troopers author Joe Schreiber.