I didn’t want to get into the Doctor Who habit…

But fandom has been buzzing about the Doctor’s brand-new companion for S4. Meanwhile S3, featuring the last new companion* starts airing in the U.S on Friday. (via Big Dumb Object, who has a lot more links.)

* I keep thinking Firefly, and it’s totally not like that at all. Right?

One Reply to “I didn’t want to get into the Doctor Who habit…”

  1. “* I keep thinking Firefly, and it’s totally not like that at all. Right?”

    Depends which fic you’re reading. Capt. Jack is somewhat like Inara in their abilities to flirt with (or *do*) anyone. But Doctor Who is a kids program, so not really. Torchwood on the other hand…

    Sci-Fi is airing the Christmas special “The Runaway Bride” first so those in the US, who haven’t seen it already, can get a taste of what next season might be like with Donna.

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