From the Blogside

There’s something in the pixels at lately… How else can I explain this Darth Morbus guy? He’s doing Blogside-worthy posts on a daily basis! I can’t keep up!

Lord Noctifer ponders the Jedi and the Grail Quest. Of course Luke is Percival… I’m more familiar with the Galahad version, but that parallel works too: Lancelot fails in the grail quest because of the whole Guinevere mess, but his son Galahad succeeds because his heart is pure. For more Arthurian exploration, we turn to Darth Morbus.

Meanwhile, The Toastman goes back even further into storytelling history to bring us this look at Oedipus and Star Wars. (Although – the inspiration for the entire trilogy? I’m not so sure.)

The Dark Moose on Talifans. Did you know the Karen Traviss hating versions are based out of a Star Wars vs. Star Trek site? That explains everything!

For the economists in the house: Sunnyskywalker considers the changing face of commerce in Star Wars.

2 Replies to “From the Blogside”

  1. Y’know, I’d heard a little rumbling about something odd going on with someone going after Karen Traviss. (And considering I don’t frequent forums, that’s saying a lot!) I hadn’t realized the true level of sickness that was going on with it.

    I hope someone is calling mental health services to check on that nutcase.

    Don’t worry, Karen. We’ll protect you!

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